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Describing the Service-Learning Ideas

Essay Instructions:

One of the benefits of teaching for social justice is that teachers and their students can get involved in service-learning as a way to learn the curriculum while also addressing real-life problems that face local communities. Extending learning beyond the classroom can lead to increased retention and allows students to practice their critical thinking skills.

After analyzing “What the Heck is Service Learning?” research other service-learning opportunities for K-12 students that promote cultural knowledge and the principles of social justice.


Using the “Service-Learning Ideas Template,” submit a list of five potential service-learning projects for K-12 students.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Service-Learning Ideas
Student's Name
Service-Learning Ideas
Service Learning Project Title

In 50-100 words, describe the service-learning project, who would be involved, what it would include, etc. At least one of the projects must involve technology.

Alignment to State Academic Standards
List one or more grade-level standards you would use when integrating the project into the classroom (include the standard verbiage and the standard code).

Alignment to Professional Dispositions of Learners
Describe two or more Professional Dispositions of Learners that students would be learning during the service-learning project (e.g., respect for the diversity of others, compassion, or fairness).

Provide a link to a related organization or any required materials needed to conduct the service-learning project.

Online Auction

Students will research and create artwork on teenage drug and alcohol addiction. Then, they will hold an online auction. All the money raised will be donated to the Angels at Risk organization which focuses on the treatment/ counseling of teenagers with drug and alcohol addiction. As part of the project, students will create an online gallery and then invite their parents, teachers, and friends in the community to participate in the auction via zoom.

High School
Speaking and Listening Standard 5

Compassion- Students will learn about addiction and empathize/ understand people were struggling with addiction.
Advocacy- students will advocate, indirectly, for the treatment of teenagers struggling with addiction.

Angels at Risk- https://angelsatrisk.com/
Artwork: papers, pencil, erasers, brushes, ink

Gun Control Petition

The prevalence of mass shootings in schools is alarming. This project will allow students to start a petition calling for more gun control to end gun violence in schools. To facilitate this project, students will start a petition on change.org, a global organization for change, and share the petition so that others can sign until it reaches legislatures.

High School
Social Studies
Standard 6

Advocacy- students will create change and fight to solve a problem that affects/can affect all students.
Awareness- students will demonstrate how well they understand gun violence, gun policies, and possible solutions.


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