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Creating a Classroom Management Plan

Essay Instructions:

Classroom management plans are created by teachers to assist in the planning and implementation of a positive classroom environment that is efficient, proactively addresses issues that may arise, and provides systematic support for the teacher and students to remain engaged, on task, and productive. Consideration of the unique needs of students should guide the development of a classroom management plan. By understanding student needs, the teacher is better able to identify the types of accommodations and modifications to routinely include in the plan.

Use the “Creating a Classroom Management Plan Template” to complete this assignment.

Using the grade level for which you would like to teach, create a 750-825 word classroom management plan for students in your special education resource classroom described in the “Class Profile.”

Include the following in your classroom management plan:

Classroom Management Plan Statement of Purpose.

Rules: Description of 3-5 rules, positive reinforcements aligned to each rule, and consequences for not following each rule.

Procedures/Routines: Provide 3-5 classroom procedures and routines.

Classroom environmental considerations.

Implementation Plan: Include information about how you plan to introduce your plan and teach students and paraeducators the rules and procedures.

Documentation Plan: Include information about how you will document student behavior and the effectiveness of the classroom management plan.

Confidentiality and Ethical/Legal Considerations Plan: Describe your plan to handle confidential documents, protect student rights, and protect the confidential information of individuals with disabilities in your classroom.

Crisis Management Plan: Describe steps to de-escalate behavior and how you will handle the safety of students and staff.

Substitute Teacher Plans: Describe information you would leave for a substitute teacher coming into your classroom.

In addition, rationalize your classroom management plan decisions in 250-500 words, explaining how the plan will meet the needs of the students identified in the “Class Profile.” Support your choices with references to the CEC Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards.

Support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Creating a Classroom Management Plan Template
Classroom Teacher:

Classroom Management Plan Statement of Purpose:
There is a focus on creating a more positive environment in the classroom and responding to the student needs where the students are welcome. In a welcoming environment where there is mutual respect, the students are encouraged to be active participants.

Rules (List 3-5):

Rule Positive Reinforcements:

Rule Consequences:

1.Students show respect to everyone and follow rules

There are verbal praises
Conducting regular checks and assessments

Verbal warning
Writing a warning letter

2. There is a submission of complete assignments

There are appropriate messaging and questions to ensure the students learn what is expected of them.

Verbal warning
Extra assignment

3.Students will follow direction

Positive reinforcement when the students follow directions.
There is a repetition of the directions, and questions are used to check that they understood the directions correctly.

The students will be required to write an apology writer and give explanations for failure to follow instructions.
The message also needs to demonstrate that they understand the need for following instructions.



Classroom Procedures and Routines:
The students will walk in quietly and take their seats as expected. Then there will be greetings for 5 minutes, which helps enhance the positive environment. Then the students will be placed in groups, and there is the dissemination of educational material to each group. All the students are expected to participate in group work.

Classroom Environmental Considerations:
There will be well-organized and tidy classrooms free from clutter and noise to ensure there are no distractions. There will be clear rules and expectations on how to behave. The students will access all the learning materials, including the visual supports to enhance learning. There should be enough spacing between rows and columns to allow movement when necessary. The frequently used materials should also be accessible.

Implementation Plan:
Students are informed about the plan, and then there is a collaboration with the paraeducators to reinforce learning and support. Once the students know what is expected of them, they will know about their roles, and information is disseminated to support decisions and actions. Engaging and evaluating the students are essential to determine that the rules and procedures are effective.

Documentation Plan:
There is documentation of behavior and progress in learning when compared to the expectations. Written records of behavior, response, and observations provide clues on the way forward to promote learning where there is corrective action. Records also help to evaluate progress since changes are noted where there is also a progress report.

Confidentiality and Eth...
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