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Home and School Connections: The Cultural Dance

Essay Instructions:

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Assessment Description

Part of an asset-based approach to working with ELLs is recognizing the cultural and linguistic resources they possess. The asset-based approach contrasts with the deficit-based model that once dominated how many viewed second language learners. Schools and educators can help close the inequity gap faced by our diverse student population by exhibiting asset-based behaviors and expectations, focusing on viewing cultural and linguistic differences as assets and not deficits.

Imagine you have been asked to plan a schoolwide event leveraging home and school connections for ELL families. In 150-250 words, create a proposal of the event to submit to your school principal that addresses the following:

Part 1: Schoolwide Event Proposal
Title, description, and rationale of the event
Agenda, including time frames and activities
Equipment and supplies

Part 2: Cultural Connections
In addition to the proposal, write 500-750 words justifying how the event supports each of the following:
Cultural influences, cultural competence, and social-emotional needs of ELLs in teaching and learning
Intentional strategies for family and community engagement that support and highlight the assets of home language, communication, family involvement, and culture to build family, community, and school partnerships
Inclusive school and classroom environment taking into consideration language acquisition and key environmental factors such as family, community practices, and the role of culture in student learning
The role that family and community practices have in influencing language learning
Alignment to asset-based behaviors and expectations
Support your proposal with 2-3 scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Home and School Connections
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructor’s Name
Home and School Connections
Part One
Event Title: Cultural dance
Description: The cultural dance event will include various dances. Among them are Flamenco, Baile de Máscaras, Salsa, Bollywood Dancing, and Street Dance. The various dances will include English songs.
Rationale: The event will encourage the school and home community to appreciate the presence of students from different cultures. This will motivate students to comprehend classroom content better due to the presence of a welcoming environment.
Agenda: The agenda of this event is to create cultural awareness in the school environment. It will also encourage families to support their students in learning English while appreciating their different cultural origins (Migliarini & Stinson, 2021). The event will create a strong connection between the school community and the home community.
Equipment and supplies: The equipment for this event will vary from one dance to another. Among them are hairpieces, dance shoes, gowns, streamers, belts, poms, and jewelry.
Part Two
The event supports the cultural competence, cultural influence, and socio-emotions of the ELL students by creating awareness about the existence of students from different cultural origins. The dances from various cultures reflect the student’s cultural competencies and influences that need to be appreciated in the classroom environment. If such cultures are not appreciated, the ELL might consider the learning environment unfair, which would negatively affect their comprehension capabilities. The interactions between the school and home community support the emotional needs of the ELLs.
The event supports intentional strategies for community engagement by promoting dances from different cultures. These dances are known to use different languages from different cultures, and therefore, su...
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