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English Language Arts Unit Plan: Lesson Preparation for Sixth Grade Algebra

Essay Instructions:

Points 300

Assessment Description

Special educators must be able to effectively plan for students at all ages and abilities, using data and anecdotal information. An effective plan takes into consideration a student’s developmental level, age, strengths, needs, learning preferences, culture, and interests. Interventions that are well planned for students and are based on these factors are far more effective than interventions that narrowly focus only on the student’s academic skill deficiencies.

In this assignment, practice developing ELA instruction that is appropriate for the students described in the “Class Profile” by designing a comprehensive ELA unit plan using the “5-Day Unit Plan Template.”

Part 1: Unit Plan

Develop a 5-day unit plan that integrates vocabulary, reading, grammar, writing, listening and speaking, and technology, for the “Class Profile” students, choosing either the resource or self-contained learning environment. In a typical resource or self-contained learning environment the teacher would differentiate for every student. For this assignment, choose three students for whom you will differentiate the instruction. Align your unit to a 6-12 grade level ELA standard from the Arizona or another state academic content standards.

Design the unit plan to include:

National/State Learning Standards: Select standards that address reading, writing, speaking, and listening integration skills.

Multiple Means of Representation: Select strategies that allow opportunities to develop oral and written language for students with disabilities. Incorporate individual abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the section.

Multiple Means of Engagement: Select strategies to enhance language development and communication skills.

Multiple Means of Expression: Use technically sound formal and informal assessment.

Extension Activity and/or Homework: Incorporate activities that include critical thinking and problem-solving.

In the Differentiation rows of the unit plan template focus on the three students you selected.

Part 2: Rationale

In 250 words rationale at the bottom of your unit plan, explain the following:

How literacy skills from your lesson plan will be helpful for students in other content areas.

How communication and language arts strategies prepare students and provide them strategies to be successful academically and personally across multiple settings with a variety of collaborators (e.g., individuals, families, and teams).

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:

MEd in Special Education ITL/NITL

5.1: Consider individual abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.1, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S15, IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.S7, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 1(b), 2(d), 5(f), 6(v), 8(s), 9(h); GCU Mission Critical 2, 3, 4, 5]

5.4: Use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.4, ICSI.5.K2, ICSI.5.S19, IGC.5.S13, IGC.5.S14, IGC.5.S16, IGC.5.S17, IGC.5.S18, IGC.5.S19, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 2(e); GCU Mission Critical 1, 4]

5.5: Develop and implement a variety of education and transition plans for individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and different learning experiences in collaboration with individuals, families, and teams. [CEC 5.5, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S15ICSI.5.S17, ICSI.5.S19, IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.K3, IGC.5.K8, IGC.5.S1, IGC.5.S2, IGC.5.S11 IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 7(b), 7(e); GCU Mission Critical 1, 2, 4, 5]

5.7: Teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving to individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.7, ICSI.5.S14, ICSI.5.S15, ICSI.5.S16, IGC.5.S3, IGC.5.S10; InTASC 5(a), 7(h); GCU Mission Critical 1, 2, 4]

MEd in Elementary Education and Special Education ITL/NITL

4.1: Select and use technically sound formal and informal assessments that minimize bias. [CEC 4.1, ICSI.4.K1, ICSI.4.K2, ICSI.4.K4. ICSI.4.S1, ICSI.4.S5, ICSI.4.S8, IGC.4.K1, IGC.4.S1, IGC.4.S2, IGC.4.S3, IGC.4.S4, IGC.5.S13; InTASC 6(a), 6(b), 6(h), 6(j), 6(k); GCU Mission Critical 2, 3, 5]

5.1: Consider individual abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.1, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S15, IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.S7, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 1(b), 2(d), 5(f), 6(v), 8(s), 9(h); GCU Mission Critical 2, 3, 4, 5]

5.4: Use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.4, ICSI.5.K2, ICSI.5.S19, IGC.5.S13, IGC.5.S14, IGC.5.S16, IGC.5.S17, IGC.5.S18, IGC.5.S19, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 2(e); GCU Mission Critical 1, 4]

5.5: Develop and implement a variety of education and transition plans for individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and different learning experiences in collaboration with individuals, families, and teams. [CEC 5.5, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S15ICSI.5.S17, ICSI.5.S19, IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.K3, IGC.5.K8, IGC.5.S1, IGC.5.S2, IGC.5.S11 IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 7(b), 7(e); GCU Mission Critical 1, 2, 4, 5]

5.7: Teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving to individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.7, ICSI.5.S14, ICSI.5.S15, ICSI.5.S16, IGC.5.S3, IGC.5.S10; InTASC 5(a), 7(h); GCU Mission Critical 1, 2, 4]

MEd in Special Education (Nevada)

5.1: Consider individual abilities, interests, learning environments, and cultural and linguistic factors in the selection, development, and adaptation of learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.1, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S15, IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.S7, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 1(b), 2(d), 5(f), 6(v), 8(s), 9(h); GCU Mission Critical 2, 3, 4, 5]

5.4: Use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.4, ICSI.5.K2, ICSI.5.S19, IGC.5.S13, IGC.5.S14, IGC.5.S16, IGC.5.S17, IGC.5.S18, IGC.5.S19, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 2(e); GCU Mission Critical 1, 4]

5.5: Develop and implement a variety of education and transition plans for individuals with exceptionalities across a wide range of settings and different learning experiences in collaboration with individuals, families, and teams. [CEC 5.5, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S8, ICSI.5.S15ICSI.5.S17, ICSI.5.S19, IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.K3, IGC.5.K8, IGC.5.S1, IGC.5.S2, IGC.5.S11 IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 7(b), 7(e); GCU Mission Critical 1, 2, 4, 5

5.7: Teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving to individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.7, ICSI.5.S14, ICSI.5.S15, ICSI.5.S16, IGC.5.S3, IGC.5.S10; InTASC 5(a), 7(h); GCU Mission Critical 1, 2, 4]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Benchmark – ELA Unit Plan
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:
Grade Level: 6th
Unit/Subject: Algebra
Title of Unit and Brief Summary: This is an English Language Arts (ELA) course focusing on ELA instruction targeting improvement in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: The lesson preparation for five days focuses on reading, grammar, writing, speaking and listening, and vocabulary from the first to the fifth day.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

National/State Learning Standards

The standard emphasizes being able to analyze an event, individual, or idea in a text.
The standard emphasizes reading and comprehending literature for assigned texts in grades 6-8.

The students are expected to use grade-appropriate words, phrases, and vocabulary necessary to comprehend and express themselves.

Write for longer and shorter time frames in different disciplines, purposes, and target audiences.

Speech should be adapted to contexts and demonstrate knowledge and proper use of 6th-grade level language conventions.

Understanding the meaning of unknown words and phrases in grade 6 reading texts, including words and phrases with multiple meanings.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives.

Understand different text structures

Use appropriate words and phrases and make inferences and connect the words

Write clearly and coherently for the intended audience.
Writing will be well organized and claims supported.

Ensure there is an appropriate oral expression and listening skills useful in groups and when communicating with others

Interpret words and meaning of vocabulary when used in context

Academic Language

The student should be able to explain ideas, events, and elaborate texts.

Meaning of words, phrases, sentence
fluency, and structure

Analyze texts,
words and phrases
Language use
Assistive technology

Speak to group members
Communicate orally
Listen and understand others
Audible speech

Recognize words
Use words and vocabulary correctly
Clarify the meaning of words

Unit Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology

Grade appropriate books and texts
Graphic organizer

Color pencils
Graphic organizer

Color pencils
Graphic organizer

Slide presentations
Graphic organizer Instructional routine card
Assistive technology

Slide presentations
Assistive technology

Depth of Knowledge Lesson Questions

Level 1: Can you identify key ideas and details in a text?
Level 2: How does context influencing read?
Level 3: Reflect on details and meanings in a text and make judgments
Level 4: Analyze an event, detail, or individual in a text

Level 1: Demonstrate use of standard English grammar
Level 2: Apply knowledge of grammar in reading, writing, and talking
Level 3: Reflect on word relationships and rules of grammar
Level 4: Analyze language use

Level 1: Understand the need for outlining
Level 2:
Level 3: What have you understood about the writing process?
Level 4: Analyze and reflect on how their writing has evolved

Level 1: Express ideas clearly and persuasively
Level 2: Explain their point of view in a speech
Level 3: Recognize language use in formal and informal contexts
Level 4: Provide the best evidence and support views

Level 1: Know about the conventions of standard English grammar
Level 2: Apply knowledge of language use
Level 3: Clarify the meaning of words and clues
Level 4: Demonstrate vocabulary acquisition and appropriate use

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Anticipatory Set

Ask a question about what the student understands about reading
Use preparatory text to improve knowledge and understanding

Use anticipatory guides to determine students’ knowledge
Use a chart with words and phrases that students ought to know

Anticipatory guides and writing about chosen topics

Use multimedia content before beginning the lesson.
Connect to past experience and future learning
Evaluate understanding of speaking and listening skills.

Use multimedia content and asks students about vocabulary

Presentation of Content

Multiple Means of Representation

Content will be presented using
Assistive technology

Content will be presented using
Assistive technology

Students will learn on improving their writing and how to organize writing symbols
There will be the use of
Illustrations, videos
Animation presentations

Students will recall how to create algebraic expressions
There will be the use of
Illustrations, videos
Animation presentations Assistive technology

Content will be presented using
Assistive technology

Multiple Means of Representation Differentiation

English Language Learners (ELL) students will use handouts with translations of difficult English words
Special needs students will rely on assistive technology
Gifted students write in notebooks
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