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Formal Strategic Plan Creation

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 3: Organizational Change or Strategic Planning Due Week 7 and worth 200 points For this assignment, select one (1) of the following topics that expand on characteristics of organizational change: -Since the Industrial Revolution, the Pace of Workplace Changes Has Been Accelerating -Is the Assertion that Processes Are Changing Now More Rapidly than They Ever Have Based More on Individual Perception than Within a Corporate Reality? -The Classroom Today Looks Similar to the One-Room Schoolhouse from the 1830s -The Classroom Today Has Evolved Drastically Since the One-Room Schoolhouse of the 1830s OR one (1) of the following topics that expand on strategic planning: -Creating a Formal Strategic Plan Is Vital to an Organization's Mission -A Formal Strategic Plan Has No Impact on an Organization's Mission -The Role of Vision and Values in Corporate Strategic Planning -Succession Planning Is Critical to Strategic Planning Use the following appropriate EBSCOhost Web databases to research your chosen topic: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Education Source, Research Starters – Business, Research Starters – Education, and / or ERIC. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1.Provide an explanation and overview of your selected topic 2.Examine the three (3) trends reflected the most in current research findings and prevailing attitudes about your topic. 3.Compare and contrast the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages inherent in your subject of choice. 4.Predict the future direction of the research and thought on your topic. Include your own informed opinion of what is next for the topic you have explored. 5.Include at least three (3) references (no more than five [5] years old) from material outside the textbook. Note: You may be more specific about your topic without clearing these kinds of related, more narrowly focused topics with the professor. If in doubt, call or email the professor, or use the “Ask the Professor” section in the Student Center. You may choose a related topic not listed above if you clear it with the professor at least a week before the due date. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: -Apply theories of and best practices in leadership, decision making, communications, organizational culture, motivation, management, performance appraisal, and evaluation to various educational environments. -Analyze theories of and best practices in leadership, decision making, communications, conflict management, organizational culture, motivation, management, performance appraisal, and evaluation. -Analyze theories of and best practices in leadership, decision making, communications, conflict management, organizational culture, motivation, management, performance appraisal, and evaluation. -Apply the concepts and techniques of educational leadership within the context of case studies in the following areas: student problems, administrative-staff relationships, school-community relations, organizational and role issues, social justice issues, and change issues. -Use technology and information resources to research issues in educational administration and leadership. -Write clearly and concisely about educational administration and leadership using proper writing mechanics
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Creating a Formal Strategic Plan Is Vital to an Organization’s Mission
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A formal strategic planning process requires development of a mission statement for the organization. Strategic managers within an organization develop the organization’s mission statement to incorporate the organization’s purpose and vision for the future. The ultimate reference point of any strategic plan in an organization is the mission and this is why creating a formal strategic plan is necessary. In developing a formal strategic plan, strategic managers fully incorporate all the things that the organization does and hopes to achieve. They are particularly careful to align the plan with the organization’s culture and to only include what the organization is capable of accomplishing (Ozdem, 2011).
In order to achieve an organization’s mission, strategic managers engage adequate preparation and communication to create a formal strategic plan. They make sure to apply a systematic planning methodology to avoid pitfalls. They obtain top management support, clarify and document planning horizon and scope, and identify steps for creating the plan, define planning group membership, roles and responsibilities. They also identify deliverables including form and timing of presentations and reports and commit resources to create and deliver the plan. It is an intensive process that clearly outlines the defined organization’s targets and the means to achieve them (Ozdem, 2011).
A formal strategic plan is the organization’s blueprint that allows the organization to achieve its mission through certain means. For instance, in an organization focusing on information systems, the plan makes it easier to justify investments in infrastructure such as enterprise networks, system or network administration tools, spare systems, capacity acquisition, disaster recovery arrangements and staff training. The formal strategic plan acts a guideline to cater for roles, issues and deliverables in the mission (Ozdem, 2011). When glossed over or ignored they may lead to failure to achieve the mission of the organization through underperformance, which might ruin the organization’s positive repute.
Trends in current research findings
Effects of globalization in businesses felt through recessions of 2000 and 2007 and increased technology enhanced interconnectedness has caused changes in strategic planning. Strategic planners increasingly use different processes to scan organization’s external environment. The current trends inform how strategic planners generate ideas that reshape organization’s strategies to cope with the recent era of high uncertainty and rapid change.
Strategic managers adapt to trends in competition through strategic plans. This is in appreciation to the current hyper competition environment fueled by electronic commerce and the internet. To maintain competitiveness, the plans heavily depend on generation of new resources such as products, services, procedures and processes (Demirdjian, 2008).
Another trend in strategic planning involves manufacturing strategies. Strategic managers increasingly focus on service oriented virtual organization. More than half of capital investment in the US is in the information technology with a high rate of innovation. This digital economy has resulted in the reduction of manufacturing jobs, which are outsourced to outside independent firms in other countries with cheaper labor. Strategic managers quickly adopt such measures for enhanced flexibility and increased profitability in line with the organization’s mission (Demirdjian, 2008).
To improve the bottom line results strategic managers also adopt a trend in focusing on the best areas in businesses. These are the areas where organizations have a competitive advantage. They also use a refocusing strategy in mergers and acquisitions to enlarge or build on existing core competencies. They shun acquiring business with new and unknown capabilities.
Overall, strategic mangers use decision technology, decision support modeling and computer software for decision-making. These are ways ...
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