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Describe the challenging behavior the student

Essay Instructions:
What I would like you to do is write at least a two page paper on how you would develop and implement a behavior plan in your classroom. Describe the challenging behavior the student is exhibiting that needs to change (calling out and interrupting the class, bothering the students he sits near, refusing to follow directions etc). Explain the strategies you have learned that can help you manage this student's behavior, Basically you are explaining how you would apply something you have learned into your own classroom. Your textbook and powerpoints (on Blackboard) can be used for resources. If you have any questions let me know. Note: Text book Comprehensive Classroom Mangement / Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems by( Vern Jones and Louise Jones) Essay# 1: ELLs and Effective Classroom Management Effective Classroom Management In order for the English-language learners (ELLs) to be proficient and fruitful in their learning experience, the teachers need to provide them with ample opportunities to intermingle and relate with the others in both social and academic situations. Additionally, teachers must encourage student participation in class discussions, welcome their contributions, and prompt them by such interactive practices so that they may able to achieve confidence and adeptness in speaking English language. The preponderance of teacher talk and their use of questions determine the talk time they share with the students. On the other hand, the quantity and quality of the interactions that a teacher shares with the ELL students determines their cognitive skills and their ability to comprehend and learn English as a second language. In order for an ELL teacher to be effective in his teaching strategies he must cultivate an amiable learning environment to ensure that the students are at ease and can communicate freely giving them a chance to hone their English skills. Classroom environment The teacher should create visual displays, and make use of white boards when giving instructions to the students. Furthermore, the instructor should create word walls and arrange high-frequency words in an alphabetical order and organizing them at all the access points for the students. Another very effective method to capture the memory of the students is by creating print-rich environments by making use of bulleting boards, with articles, words of the day and game play strategies (Clancy& Hruska, 2005). Appropriate use of speech It is imperative for the teacher to be slow enough for the students to hear and emulate the spelling and pronunciation of the words being spoken. To make sure that the teacher is effective in utilizing appropriate speech he must make use of short sentences, utilize present tense words, gestures, demonstrations and examples (Moughamian et al, 2009).These devices help the students to grasp the English concepts faster and have a better memory in recalling the lessons. In order for the speech to be effective while training the ELLs the teacher should utilize many mediums in conveying information to the students such as written communication, oral, student demonstration r teacher demonstrations (National Council of Teachers of English, 2008). The teacher should make use of think-alouds and think-pair-shares during the question sessions, at the same time the teacher should give the students ample time to process the questions being tackled. Learning strategies assessment In most classroom interactions, asking and answering questions is an expected norm. While handling the ELL students, teachers should avoid using the Initiation-Response-Evaluation (IRE) technique because it is a convergent process that seeks out one right answer (Clancy& Hruska, 2005). This may not be effective for the ELLs because they may lack the skill and confidence to verbalize the right answer in a teacher-expected. When dealing with the ELLs the teacher should seek out feedback, rather than evaluation because feedback helps the teacher to simplify, bond, and elaborate the verbal interactions that occur between the teacher and the students or between the students. Developing literacy skills In order to hone the students literacy skills the teachers should initiate tactics that establish rapport between them and the students. For instance, the teachers should learn to pronounce the students names accurately so as to establish rapport. The teacher should avoid testing English exclusively for the ELLs who may not have the ability to demonstrate their English knowledge. Teachers should follow the right measures to ensure that classroom routines and protocols are adhered to. Once, stack in the teaching process, the teacher can make use of bilingual students to minimize the communication barrier (Moughamian et al, 2009). The teacher should implement well-defined note-taking formats such as graphic organizers to make sure that the lectures are relayed effectively. Parental communication Teachers should cultivate an environment to enhance sociocultural learning; this kind of learning fosters students' construction of knowledge as opposed to simple acceptance of the transferred information. Teachers should serve as the mediators who play the role of a parent by making use of language so as to support scaffold student learning within a social relationship. Whom we are and how we think are functions of the social interactions in which we participate when a teacher educates the students through this theoretical perspective learning becomes a performance achieved through assistance (Moughamian et al, 2009). When the teachers assist the students well the students achieve objectives that would have been nearly impossible if they did them with no assistance. The role of the teacher is integral to student learning. It is the teacher who facilitates the active transformation of knowledge chiefly known as appropriation supporting the students to construct new skills and competencies. Teachers are accountable for both the affective and academic aspects of effectual classrooms and classroom talk (Clancy& Hruska, 2005). In that case, the teachers can direct classroom discourse suitably to enhance the achievement of these goals. Success of the ELLs students depends on the degree to strategies are implemented to encourage all students to talk and work together. The use of direct as opposed to indirect questions should be encouraged as it promotes clarity. Although instructional talk should be engaging, in special cases the teachers should make use of direct questions to facilitate the elaboration of the students' responses as a means to develop academic language use and motivate them as learners. References Clancy, M. & Hruska, B. (2005). Developing Language Objectives for English Language Learners in Physical Education Lessons. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance, 76(4), 30-35. Moughamian, A. C., Rivera, M. O., Francis, D. J., Center on, I., & University of Houston, T. (2009). Instructional Models and Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners. Center on Instruction. National Council of Teachers of English (2008). English Language Learners: A Policy Research Brief produced by the National Council of Teachers of English http://www(dot)ncte(dot)org/library/NCTEFiles/Resources/PolicyResearch/ELLResearchBrief.pdf Essay# 2:Classroom Management Plan Introduction Management of the classroom and children's behavior constitutes one of the greatest huddles that teachers encounter in their profession. This becomes worse if the schooling situation appears to be a special or a unique case. For teachers to be successful managers of their classes, they should endeavor to create an environment that instills positive behaviors, stimulating the student's imaginations and clarity. It is therefore, important for teachers to be knowledgeable on the management concepts to apply them in any given school and classroom setup. Learners exhibit individual differences and attributes that are related to their developmental, cultural/ethnic and social differences. For example, some learners do believe that the purpose of learning is to expand on their knowledge in understanding the world. Other learners may harbor a perception that learning enables them to understand issues and not necessarily making them smart. Learners in middle class level may emphasize on nurturing their own individual talents. On the other hand, students from low economic backgrounds may concentrate much on their economical situations than their learning aspects. While a particular learner may have one specific goal, another may have a combination of such goals. It is therefore essential for teachers to consider these differences when designing classroom management plan. Charles (1999) postulates that classroom management is the basis for an efficient classroom discipline and behavior. He believes that the methods that encourage student involvement will make them become focused on their tasks, thus reducing indiscipline cases. The author goes on that enhancing student school satisfaction will ultimately deter indiscipline cases among the students. This is largely because if students are involved in the learning process as well as being satisfied with their own environment, then they will improve in their performance. Indiscipline cases will decrease since the students may not have time for illegal activities. The learning environment should therefore, be conducive for all students so that they get to appreciate their school environment. The aim of this paper is to present a theoretical perspective on how the learner's behavior could be managed. Behavioral Management in the Classroom In a situation where students exhibit indiscipline cases, teachers should be mandated to use different methods and tactics, which will help these learners to focus towards their goals. The concepts of management should be effectively applied by teachers in a classroom setup, to ensure that everything goes on in a smooth way. In any school situation, it is a very important aspect for teachers, to asquint themselves with the knowledge of the behavioral management theories. Fred John introduced a non-adversarial technique of making a class run efficiently. He wrote three books that addressed different levels at which the methods he posted could be successful. One of the books was centered on creating a positive discipline mechanism. The second book was a focus on how the entire school fraternity could gain from the positive discipline so created. The third book applies these concepts in the day-to-day issues that teachers encounter in the classroom settings. Two essential systems are observable from Jones' theoretical analysis. One of them is referred to as the Preferred Activity Time (PAT). This system can be advantageous to both the learners and teachers. Learners are required to spend their time in enjoying themselves after being offered the opportunity by their teachers. In this case, teachers look for ways of motivating the students. The teacher induces them into working hard and then he or she can have fun with them after achieving a certain predetermined learning aspect. The second method is centred on positive reinforcement. The teacher in this case can set up simple methods in reinforcing the student's discipline. This aspect is expected to teach the learner proper ways to conduct himself or herself. Positive reinforcement methods could vary from incentives, to other forms such as acknowledgements, accumulation of point for the purchasing power of incentives, or other boosters (Jones, 2000). Teachers should apply Jones' concepts to ensure that the learning atmosphere is conducive with regard to the student's learning. They should attempt to look for different ways of making each learner attending their institutions enjoy the lessons offered. The aspect of offering hardworking students incentives and other motivators should be central in their teaching career. As such, they should prepare incentives of which I will distribute to students who answer questions well and those who follow the teacher's orders (disciplined). This way, I am sure the children will like coming back for their lessons. Incentives for exceptional students should be offered after class. Different approaches should be used in dealing with indiscipline cases. The first time should be a warning; a repeat of the same mistake should attract three strokes criteria. The three strikes will include no recession, then to stickers, and for the third time, the naughty student will have to see the head teacher for further action or go home to bring the parent. William Glasser was a Psychologist who discussed in great length on the teaching techniques that enhanced student participation in the learning process. He focused majorly on motivation rather than intimidation as the best way to enhance their learning. He pointed out that quality teaching, curriculum and learning could meet the student's needs and in enhancing fundamental motivation (Glasser Institute, 2010). Glasser's articulation in developing the student's interest was majorly focused on low interests by the students, low-test scores, indiscipline problems and intimidation of students by the administration or teachers. His work therefore, was a re-evaluation of the traditional teaching systems. He also examined how the negative aspects could be changed in accordance to today's changing trends in the students' requirements. According to Glasser, relevant education raised the pupil's endurance, socialization, power, freedom, fun and other aspects. Through Non-coercive Discipline, pupils will gain knowledge of how to obtain their necessities and make their environment safer. Their involvement or lack of it in classroom activities will either develop or fail to develop their responsibilities in the contemporary society. Learners also require freedom to choose what they need, self-responsibility and direction. An efficient teaching method therefore, is expected to address directly this aspect by employing the intrinsic motivation. Teachers should borrow a leaf from William Glasser's Non-coercive Discipline, which they can apply in their classroom management strategies. Charles (1999) postulates that classroom management is the basis for an efficient classroom discipline and behavior. He believes that the methods that encourage student involvement will make them become focused on their tasks, thus reducing indiscipline cases. Glasser also observes rightly in his Non-coercive Discipline project that, enhancing student school satisfaction will ultimately deter indiscipline cases among the students. This is because, if students are involved in the learning process as well as being satisfied with their own environment, then they will improve in their performance. Indiscipline cases will also decrease since the students may not have time for the same. Kagan's Win-Win Discipline is also an efficient technique to enhance classroom behavior. He designed the approach in an attempt to tackle discipline related issues in the school environment. His main concept in establishing an effective teaching mechanism is first to meet student's needs. He realized that majority of the students misbehave because there needs are not being addressed. According to his conception, everyone has basic needs, and learners are no exemption. In a classroom setup, there are three ways in which the basic needs of the students affects their learning; a) Their needs are addressed, and therefore there are no disciplinary issues; b) Student's needs are not being addressed but whatever they have are being misused by themselves, c) Student's needs are not considered and this poses as a disciplinary problem. For learners who are undisciplined, they will exhibit indiscipline characters as a reaction of their needs not being considered. A good example can be manifested by a student who walks out of class in front of their teacher, or a bored student dozing in class. Another example is where a learner may refuse to cooperate with others and the abusive student who openly vent their anger on others (Kagan, 2002). As students' needs are addressed, indiscipline cases will drop. This is also the same case with providing the students with responsible and respective strategies on how to deal with their unconsidered needs. In this case, the students are the ones who become winners. How they win relates to the fact that they get their needs considered, or they are provided with ideas on how to meet these needs themselves. In this way, we also win. We win by making them self- sufficient and they win by their needs being met. Kagan's Win-Win strategy focuses on three key aspects, student involvement, same side, and acquired responsibility (Charles, P. 164). Specifically, the main aim of these aspects is to ensure that students feel as comfortable as possible in their classrooms or school environment. Teachers should find this aspect as an important factor, which they may apply to enhance the learning aspects of their students. This model emphasizes fairness to all students. In other words, children who would otherwise be portrayed as inferior beings are given recognition and respected as important members of the school community. It is important to value the student, as this will nurture their positive aspects throughout the learning atmosphere. This win -win approach is what is expected to be imparted on the students practical aspects of life and it will assist them in interacting with other societal members. For instance, in the case of a learner who is abusive or shares negative comments about other students, a teacher should address the student with regard to what the rest of the class expects from him or her. Additionally, such a teacher should go along the strategy of win-win aspect for all the parties concerned, the abused and the abuser. The teacher should then request if the student could be able to teach the class using the teacher's notes and tools. This will provide the interruptive student with the audience, which he or she was seeking by talking when the teacher was teaching. During this time, the teacher should sit down and watch on what the students will do after that, this will virtually make the student recognize the significance of the teacher as well as the need to focus on learning. This will further, give the learner the experience he or she so requires changing his or her behavior, as well as realizing on how he or she would like to be viewed as the “teacher”. Marshall, (2012 developed a system of raise responsibility which rests on a total system, rather than set of techniques. According to this conception, the behavior and learning program is considered proactive by setting the stage for dealing with indiscipline cases. This contradicts the reactive strategy in dealing with indiscipline issues among students. This system focuses majorly on promoting the aspect of responsibility among students rather than through compliance. Inducing discipline through force for instance, often results in resistance, rebellion and resentment. This is virtually a different aspect as when discipline is induced through promoting responsibility. In such a case, obedience becomes a natural aspect by these students. Marshall goes on that a stress-reducing mode is used in dealing with issues related to misbehavior; this is in contrast with the common stress-inducing mode. Additionally, this system can be employed with the students of any age group or any level of education, with any subject, any school environment, any class or any home setting. This system also appears to be hand in hand with William Glasser's Non-coercive Discipline in the sense that it eliminates any forceful means of enhancing discipline among learners. However, it cannot be labeled as permissive. The approach of the system is the comprehensive teaching model- rather than a list of techniques, tactics, strategies or philosophy. It also applies the approach of constructivist since it is most efficient with regard to emotions, self-consciousness, thinking and understanding. When the system is applied in the individual classroom setup, the culture of learning is established. Furthermore, it creates a learning community if applied in the entire school. Marshall's Raise Responsibility System is an efficient plan in influencing student's character. It will help learners in acquiring an understanding on what really character means. This will also assist them in achieving a higher status of personal advancement in regard to their character formation. Another aspect of Marshall's system is that it can be updated and become flexible in any given environment. Additionally, it is usable in luau with the current situations and events, social education and even literature. When this system is specifically employed in character learning, it can be tailored to emphasize any specific character that the teacher may focus on. Creation of Awareness to Learners and Parents Teachers ought to understand that before implementing their management plans, they should create awareness to the learners and parents concerning the same. Learners should be informed that they are being monitored and noticed not only for the good things they do but also in other issues related to indiscipline. This will assist in promoting good behavior and self-discipline among learners. Parents in particular need to get information with regard to their children's conduct and consequences. Both positive and negative consequences should be relayed to them. This should be done through writing a letter to them on regular basis. In this way, the teacher will be able to establish a positive relationship with the parent. It is a responsibility of the parents to know how their children are progressing in class and whether such behaviors are negative or positive. The teacher should make parents to be in touch with their children's character through such letters and other communication avenues such as phone calls, emails and so on. In this way, the parents will feel obliged to their children's progress. If parents feel to be left out in their children's academic progress, then they might feel undermined. This will result into the learners suffering as they are also expected to provide support for these students at home. The letter so written to parents should consists of a free space for commenting on the individual concern by the teacher to a specific learner. In addition, the letter should contain the name of the teacher, his or her email address, phone number and other contact information. Below is the sample of a letter that may be written to a parent Letter to Parent Dear Parent/Guardian My name is Mr. Willie Thomas, and I am happy to begin this year with your child in this school. I anticipate this year to be great for your child and the whole class. As a teacher, I do understand the value of your support to your child's education. I also understand that communication between you and me will move your child to the next academic discourse. Therefore, you are free to contact me or the school concerning your child's progress any time you feel so. I do have a strong desire that a classroom ought to be safe and conducive to facilitate the learning process of all students. In establishing a community of learners, it is necessary that expectations and rules are put in place. Since it is also important that these learners are made aware on their significance in the classroom setting, we have come up with guidelines and expectations, which all learners are supposed to adhere to while in the school. These regulations will be posted as the classroom chart for all students to view them. The copy of these rules will be sent to you later. Moreover, I do acknowledge that all learners should be held accountable for their behaviors. Either they may decide to conduct themselves properly or they may decide to misbehave. The positive or negative behaviors will be consequential in the classroom. Learners who conduct themselves in responsibly will be rewarded while indiscipline ones will be encouraged to change their behavior. The teacher will arrange a meeting with such a student and design ways on how such a behavior may be improved. It is through communication between you and your child that the problems, which may be related with indiscipline cases, may be minimized. In case you wish to express your feelings concerning the same, you are free to contact the teacher or the school through the phone or email address indicated. I will be more than happy to be of assistance to you and your child. Yours Sincerely, william Conclusion In today's perspective, the management plan discussed in this paper will be effective in many schools. This plan is expected to serve quite well with students of age 14-18 years as well as the extra tuition classes. This management plan is however, expected to be changing to meet the changing needs of these students. Teachers should understand that there is no management plan that is perfect; each has its own merits and demerits. They should therefore emphasize more on the requirements of their students. It is hoped that if this management plan is effectively implemented, then there is high chance that indiscipline cases will be curbed in many schools. References Charles, C.M. (1999). “Classroom discipline”. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Jones, F. (2000). “Tools for Teaching”. Hong Kong: Frederic H. Jones & Associates, Inc. Kagan, S (2002). “What is Win-Win Discipline?” Available on http://www(dot)kaganonline(dot)com/free_articles/dr_spencer_kagan/ASK15.php Marshall, M (2012). “Raise Responsibility System”. Available on http://www(dot)marvinmarshall(dot)com/discipline/responsibility-systemoverview-of-the-system- Glasser Institute.(2010). “William Glasser” Available on http://www(dot)wglasser(dot)com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=28&Itemid=57 PROACTIVE SYSTEM OF HANDLING CLASSROOM DISRUPTIONS Willie Thomas Cohort 70 August 8, 2013 Essay# 3:PROACTIVE SYSTEM OF HANDLING CLASSROOM DISRUPTIONS The instructors will need to foster and maintain a respectful, civil, productive and stimulating learning environment. The instructor needs to play a proactive role in taking the appropriate measures for curtailing disruptive behavior and do so in a way that is calm modeling the effective communication skills. At the onset, the instructor need to communicate their expectations clearly and this should be done at the beginning of the term. The instructor is the one tasked with the role of managing the classroom environment and so it is important to indicate to the students at the earliest opportunity that there will be no tolerance to behavior that constitute disruption; and go ahead and outline such. It is important for the instructor to address a disruptive behavior before it escalates, because ones it catches on, eradicating it will be a challenge (Harris and Goldberg, 2013). Some behaviors such as pencil sharpening may be more of destructing that disruptive and some students may engage in them innocently, unaware that such behavior is distractive. It is important to have a time designated for such most preferably before the lesson start. It may sound like a low level disruption and the students may not realize its effects other's. I will address the entire class as opposed to singling out a student who is engaging in it. The best way to go about it is to have the class attentive and then calmly indicate the problem, and tell the students that the class would not go on until such the behavior stops (Walker, 1995). For the low level disruptions, the instructor needs to refrain from excessive response, and keep on teaching. It can be easily corrected by mentioning the students name in your explanation, signal of sorts them or give them that look. It is also important to have a routine in the classroom. This is to avoid the unease that comes about when students don't know how the day is going to pan out. The students need to feel a sense of security within the classroom and with their activities. This is part of the way of cultivating that classroom etiquette. References Harris, Bryan and Goldberg, Cassandra (2013) 75 Quick and Easy Solutions to Common Classroom Disruptions London: Routledge Walker, Hill M. (1995) The Acting-Out Child: Coping With Classroom Disruption New York City: Sopris West
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Development and implementation of a behavior plan in my classroom
Disruptive and inappropriate behaviors in the classroom are a common strife that every teacher is faced with while in the classroom. It is therefore necessary to come up with a management plan that will address issues arising in my class. The management plan includes the rules that will be instituted to ensure that errant behaviors are discouraged while at the same time it will establish the relationship between students and I in the classroom environment. The plan sets out the expectations that I have towards each of my students and it considers the welfare of the students as well as their fundamental rights. It is important to create a conducive environment where there is mutual respect between the students and I while in the classroom.
The plan apart from highlighting the rules and regulations to be followed by student, also considers motivational factors that are aimed at boosting the confidence of students. Errant behavior will not be tolerated in the classroom at all times. Controlling of the behavior of students can be challenging, but I believe that the development of a procedure that guides every activity will be helpful towards promoting disciple in the classroom. Lastly, in order for my classroom behavior management plan to work effectively it has to be aligned to my values and beliefs as well the knowledge obtained from my lessons. I am committed to ensuring that my classroom offers a challenging and safe environment that is engaging to the students in line with the curriculum while establishing personal contact and interaction with my students.
Rules and regulations to be followed in my classroom
A student who exhibits a challenging behavior in my class like disturbing the students he sits next to will be expected to follow the rules and regulations that I will outline. It is my belief that students with behavior deficiencies can be controlled through clearly defined rules and regulations (Cipani & Schock, 2007). Students run out of control due to lack of clear guidelines and routines that they should follow in their daily activities. I will pin the following rules and regulations at all the four walls of the classroom to serve as a constant reminder to my students. It is important for students to be always prepared for all lessons and thus attendance shall not be compromised unless under unavoidable circumstances communicated to me by a student. All students are expected to be seated by the time the bell rings for the commencement of my class.
I will require that each student shall have completed any assignment I have given and that it should be on the desk when the bell rings. I expect every student to be seated at their respective places and no switching of seats is permissible unless under my own rearrangement of the classroom. Every student shall have the required materials for the class and no borrowing is acceptable during my class. I expect all the students to respect each other’s right to learn as well as my right to teach them therefore any unnecessary disruptions will not be tolerated (Walters & Frei, 2007). Students are expected to keep their hands to themselves as well as their feet in order to reduce distractions. The only time that a student shall raise their hand is when they are requesting permission to be excused to go to the washrooms or when answering a question.
Every student has the responsibility of taking care and respecting the property of his or her fellow students and any property in the classroom. Every student is expected to observe the highest...
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