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Why writing if important and how to teach it effectively: Education Essay

Essay Instructions:
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The teaching and learning of writing should link theory and classroom practice. Explain why writing is important, and how to teach it effectively.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" -Stick to the 1500 word format -Every essay requires a clear introductory paragraph. An introduction states the topic to be addressed and provides some background information. The background information provides the context so that the reader appreciates the importance of the topic being addressed. -Start with a good introductory paragraph stating why there is a need to link theory and classroom practice and the rationale behind it. Make sure the last sentence of your introduction is a strong thesis statement outlining the focus of the essay. It must give the reader a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'preview\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' of what the essay will be about. -In the body of the essay remember to refer to the leaning theories that underlie the literacy instructional approaches as effective teachers understand how children learn to read and write. Effective teachers then use this knowledge to inform their classroom instructional approaches. Be aware of the major teacher centred and student centred theories as these have had a major impact on the teaching of literacy. Tompkins et al. (2012, p.5) outlines each of these. 1. Remember to refer to the learning theories that underline the literacy instructional approaches as effective teachers understand how children learn to read and write and they use this knowledge to inform their classroom instructional approaches. Theories that have had major impact on the teaching of reading are: -Behaviourism: focuses on observable and measurable aspects, rewards and punishments. -Constructivist Learning Theories: where children are active learners relating new information to prior knowledge and organise and relate information to schemata. -Cognitive/ Information Processing: Reading and writing are meaning making processes which are strategic (cognitive and metacognitive) and individualised (what makes sense to the child). Students use both prior knowledge and features in the text as they read. They use word-identification skills and comprehension strategies and fluent readers focus on making meaning. Refer also to the Cognitive model of Reading, which articulates how students use prior knowledge, knowledge of text and sentence structures and vocabulary as they read etc.; in addition to word automaticity strategic knowledge. -Sociolinguistic Learning Theories: Where thought and language are related, social interaction is important to learning and teachers provide scaffolds for students. The goal is for students to become lifelong readers and writers. 3. Discuss what a balanced approach to literacy instruction is as this is the approach endorsed by the Tompkins et al. (2012) who suggests effective teachers recognise and value both perspectives and that teachers who draw on multiple perspectives improve the quality of literacy instruction. a.As you will have learnt from your readings effective teachers make thoughtful and purposeful decisions based on student needs and assessment to inform them as to how they will assist students to become more proficient at writing and reading. Effective instruction in writing immerses students in rich literature that provide models of mentor texts that provide opportunities for grand conversations on how they craft meaning at a text, sentence and word level. Writing instruction is learning how to craft your writing as well as learning how to express ideas meaningfully; attention to text structure- paragraphs and sentences, vocabulary, spelling, editing, cohesion, use of conventional spelling, grammar, and punctuation to express those ideas. 4.Explain clearly why writing is important. Explaining how to teach writing effectively and why it is important – a.so be careful here and make sure you do not go off at a tangent too much. By all means discuss how literacy is a social practice but make the necessary links to show how the theory/concept informs instructional practices in the classroom for e.g. the four resources model that equally applies to writing as it does reading. 5.Put it all in practice, through shared, modelled, guided and interactive lessons using differentiated instructions. 6.Make links to Australian Curriculum (ACARA, 2013) document for their view of literacy as a supporting reference. Effective teachers put literature at the centre of their instructional programs and they combine opportunities for students to read and write with lessons on skills and strategies. 7.Effective teachers scaffold or support children's writing as they demonstrate, guide, and teach, and they vary the amount of support they provide according to their instructional purpose and the children's needs. 8.Your concluding paragraph needs to summarise your views concisely and point out what you believe a effective teaching of writing is all about and how it can be achieved. Be mindful that no new information is included in your conclusion. Explaining why writing is important will be based on theory and how to teach it effectively will be based on classroom practice. You also need to show the link between reading and writing but focus on the writing. Please keep writing simple but still of high quality the marker is really tough on grammar, punctuation and certain format. If the format ask for essay stick to essay format. The theories should be discussed during the paper and not on its own. So for example during writing students construct (remembering the words using their schema) knowledge using words from their reading ........ if any questions please just email me !! I do have a deadline and struggle with an other website to finish my paper but send it back for the 5th time not happy with it and I am under a lot of stress to get an A for this paper. So please any questions let me know per email. It is 5.30 in Australia right know so in case you need more info about this paper I will be online for the next 5-6 hours and then off for the next 24 hours because of work and other commitments. Please use my Text book Tompkins, Rod, Campbell, and Green (2012) Literacy for the 21st century and please use this link for the Australian Curriculum http://www(dot)australiancurriculum(dot)edu(dot)au/English/Rationale and http://www(dot)australiancurriculum(dot)edu(dot)au/English/Curriculum/F-10 - Pick grade one to make links please there\'s more also use the Annandale, K., Bindon, R., Handley, K., Johnston, A., Lockett, L., & Lynch, P., (2005). First steps writing map of development. Port Melbourne: Rigby - to link it with I will send you the file you need. these 3 is really the most important of them all. Thanks Amanda
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Why writing if important and how to teach it effectively
Why writing if important and how to teach it effectively
Writing is important in life. Introducing, teaching and practicing writing with activities engaging students in elementary school fosters confidence and eternal love for writing. Writing skills can benefit students for a better part of their life. Writing is important for a continued learning to students in all areas of their academics. Writing plays a major role in the development of communication skills and self expression among students. Teaching how to write is among the most significant lifelong skills teachers can instill in their students (Wing, 2009). Teaching writing effectively requires teachers to select supportive materials and resources that are effective in helping students to learn writing, as well as aid them in imparting writing knowledge on their students. Writing and reading has a connection. Both concepts strengthen student skills and knowledge. It is important to link theory and classroom practice when teaching writing. This allows teachers to teach writing effectively through encouraging students to articulate words slowly. Linking reading and writing also enables teacher to use prompts to encourage students notice what they have from their prior knowledge (Winch, 2006). This paper seeks to explain why writing is important and how to teach it effectively.
Writing is an important aspect in child development. Effective writing improves penmanship. Writing in elementary school aids development of problem solving skills, and critical thinking. Learning writing translates into life and learning aspects of life. In addition, effective writing supports academic development. Writing builds self confidence. It supports emotional development. Children are able to discover their talents, identities, and work through personal story and journal writing. Writing also provides therapeutic outlet to children whose parents are separated. Social development is also enhanced with good writing skills (Winch, 2006). Writing helps children to connect to people and world around them. Due to purpose and audience consideration in writing, writing practice can assist students apply same aspects in oral communication. This is a link between reading and writing. The process of writing, feedback and peer review enables children to learn and share personal interests and stories. Learning writing and environment at an early age enables children to accept and deliver productive criticism. From this discussion, it is evident that writing is very important and is worth learning. Therefore, teachers need to ensure they master children`s needs and learning abilities in order to teach them writing effectively (Graves, 2004).
In order to teach writing effectively, teachers must consider learning theories that underlie literacy instructional approaches. One needs to be an effective teacher to understand how children learn to read and write. Such knowledge is helpful in informing classroom instructional approaches. Teacher should also apply inquiry based learning which is student centered to enhance learning. Teaching writing effectively requires that teachers observe learning theories that suit children and their ability to learn (Annandale et al., 2005). For example, constructivist learning theory is helpful as children are allowed to be active and relate new information about writing to their prior knowledge. It is also important for teacher teaching writing to consider cognitive and information processing. This is because both reading and writing are strategic and individualized meaning making processes. Writing identifies what is sensible to children. Children are able to apply both feature in the text and prior knowledge as they read and write. According to cognitive reading models, students use prior knowledge, sentence structures, knowledge of text, and vocabulary to relate to their current situations. Nevertheless, social interaction is an important aspect to learning. The primary goal of learning is for students to become eternal writers and readers. For this reason, teachers teaching writing should consider sociolinguistic learning theories when imparting writing skills on students. This is because language and thoughts are related (Annandale et al., 2005).
According to Tompkins et al. (2012), effective teachers value and recognize that teachers who consider multiple perspectives improve literacy instruction quality. This infers that in order to teach writing effectively, one must be an effective teacher. What makes a teacher effective? Numerous factors contribute to what it means to be an effective teacher. An effective teacher could be...
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