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Find article and make connection. Education Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Your task for Synthesizing Activity #2 has two parts: 1) a news article and 2) a written component.

News: Please locate a news story from the last 60 days. The format can be print or digital and can be text based (e.g. a story from the Washington Post), audio (e.g. a WBUR story), or visual (e.g. video of a Fox News broadcast). The news story should speak to some combination of the core ideas we have studied in the first 10 weeks of the semester including race, class, gender, sexal identity, sexual orientation, ability, and/or school-to-prison pipline. The story does NOT need to be about schools (it can, but this is not a requirement). It DOES need to focus on a topic related to equity & inequity in the United States. Your task is to make connections between the story and persistent social inequalities in American Schools through your written essay.

Written: You will submit a ~2 page essay explaining how you are drawing on course concepts to interpret the news article. How do the course concepts support your understanding of the information and point of view offered in the story you chose? You may agree or disagree with the story, it may push your thinking, it may highlight something important you have learned this semester...lots of possibilities. Please cite a minimum of three course texts ("text" includes articles, chapters, podcasts, and videos) in your essay.

First Course texts https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/kimberle_crenshaw_the_urgency_of_intersectionality?language=en

Second and third one will be in attachment

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Racism and Gender Discrimination
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Racism and Gender Discrimination
The United States is described by many as a land of prosperity, but it continues to grapple with structural racism that has existed throughout its history. People of color are intentionally oppressed and excluded from enjoying the hallmarks of democracy such as opportunity, prosperity, and freedom, which are largely reserved for white people. The ethnic inequalities and deep racial that exists in the modern history of the US, are attributed to the historical and contemporary policies, norms, and practices that found and maintain white supremacy. Communities of color grapple with poverty caused by systematic inequalities. They are denied access to opportunities, jobs, housing, healthcare, education, and equal treatment by the state justice system. For a very long time, structural racism has contributed to persistent racial disparities in the financial and wealth between white and black households. However, in all these, the women suffer the most, there is analogy of racial discrimination and gender discrimination.
On 25th September 2020, BBC News featured Yandy Smith Harris who appeared to be outrageous about discrimination against black women. In her story, Breonna Taylor was murdered in her apartment by a police officer, who was not indicted by the court. Instead, some of the women who held a non-violent demonstration to protest the court's decisions were arrested and jailed. In her case, she spent a lot more time in jail than the person who committed the crime, an indication of discriminatory law against women of color. The situation relates to Crenshaw's talk at TED in 2016, where a judge failed to deliver justice to Emma DeGraffenreid for being racially abused at her workplace.
Further, Yandy narrates that black women do not matter as m...
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