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An Aesthetic Experience and Artful Learning Approach

Essay Instructions:

Include a 400-500 words write-up that responds to the following question: ​“how do our everyday experiences transform into an aesthetic experience, which in turn can help us engage with learning on a deeper level through an artful learning approach?”​ Reference the course readings and your own learning experience in the course. Proper citations are required.

“how do our everyday experiences transform into an aesthetic experience, which in turn can help us engage with learning on a deeper level through an artful learning approach?”​ Reference the course readings and your own learning experience in the course. Proper citations are required.

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An Aesthetic Experience and Artful Learning Approach
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An Aesthetic Experience and Artful Learning Approach
An aesthetic experience is a qualitatively different experience similar to other exceptional mental status but different from the everyday experience. Studies show that aesthetic experiences are among the most critical but also the most poorly specified and equivocal concepts in experimental aesthetics and psychology of art (Marković, 2012). Additionally, aesthetic experiences are related to the idea of optimal mental processing, also called flow. Flow is an effortless flow of mental energy caused by congruence awareness between our goals and incoming information. During this mental state, an individual is deeply engrossed in what they are doing, and close involvement in the activity and its processes (Uhrmacher, 2009). Likewise, aesthetic experience is characterized by a highly concentrated mental attention on a specific activity or object which induces a loss of self-consciousness and distortion of the sense time.
Our everyday experience shapes our focus on negative aesthetic experiences since it leads to its activist dimension. In effect, when a person is confronted with negative aesthetic aspects, they resort to their everyday experiences which enable them to spring into action to reduce, eliminate, or transform the situation rather than remaining mere spectators (MarkoviД‡, 2012). However, even when one does not or cannot act to respond to the problem, they wish they should or could do so. The dominant form of aesthetic study regarding art and to a given degree nature, posits that a person’s aesthetic life is fundam...
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