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Final Reflection Essay. Argumentative evidenced based essay

Essay Instructions:


Please Write a 500 - 750 word argumentative evidenced based essay on what grade you think you earned in IGED-280 Discovery Civics this fall 2018 semester and why. This assignment is worth 25 points and will be graded on formatting, thesis statement, quality of information, and grammar.

Please let me know, if the additional information/clarification is needed.

Thank you.

Yalda Rawan

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Essay
Author Name
Institution Affiliation
I think that the grade I have earned in IGED-280 Discovery Civics this fall 2018 semester is not what I expected. First of all, I am a hardworking and devoted student, and I had always been regular in attending my classes. I used to go to the institution on time, and I never thought of missing even a single class, which means my attendance is 100 percent.
Secondly, I believe that I deserved an A grade in the class as I met all the class requirements. From submitting the assignments on time to giving presentations in the class, I proved myself to be regular, honest and active. Sometimes the lecturer used to ask us to submit an assignment or homework in a short time, which I did really well as I know that it is part of a student’s life and that such pressures prepare the student for a challenging tomorrow.
Thirdly, I am one of the students who are in the Dean’s list with GPA 4.0, which is because of my hard work, honesty, seriousness, and dedication. I have always listened to my lecturers seriously and have tried to respond to their questions instantly. Compared to this, the scores are not what I expected. While at the institution, I have always ignored ...
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