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Final. Education System in The United States. Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please answer the following questions, paying attention to backing up your claims with evidence:

Each question must be half page. Last question(9) is one page.

1. Can public school districts assign students to schools to promote racial/ethnic at the building level? Why or why not? (10 points)

2. Why do many scholars of education view A Nation at Risk as the predecessor to the high stakes testing introduced by NCLB? (10 points)

3. How is a charter school similar to and different from a traditional public school? (10 points)

4. How are schools held “accountable” for their work in the U.S. today? (10 points)

5. How are vouchers funded? Where do these funds go? (10 points)

6. Why does Ravitch claim that the growth of charter schools is an attack on democracy? Do you agree or disagree? (10 points)

7. What is the relationship between “accountability” and “privatization” of U.S. schools? (10 points)

8. In those states that award performance pay for teachers, how is performance assessed (10 points)

9. What do you believe public schools in the U.S. are doing well and why do you think that? (20 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Education System in The United States
Student Name
1 Yes, public school districts should assign students to schools to promote racial/ethnic diversity at the building level. This will lead to educational and lifelong benefits in society. “School is where children learn to appreciate, respect, and collaborate with people different from themselves” – Arne Duncan. Student diversity both racial and ethnic diversity leads to better student learning, better student preparation for the job market and improves civic values. From the research, races differentiated on the basis of environments always have a negative effect on learning opportunity while diversified environments give greater learning opportunities. Schools with greater percentages of students of the color, mostly those that also in need, seems to be lesser represented in terms of teacher value and uniformity, learning resources and the value of the curriculum (Dee & Penner, 2017). This will lead to the production of students with low grades and the number of the ones who will manage to graduate
2 According to many scholars high-stake testing systems manipulate what teachers and directors do. Research also suggests that some changes would commonly be seen as favorable but there are other negative effects of it in the quantity of work to be tested and the quality of the instruction given. Teachers have always had a lot of freedom in the way they teach, but SRB reforms does not produce any better change in the mode of teaching by the teachers. Studies also shows that high-stakes testing brings a lot of pressure to the students leading to others being held up while others drop out of the school. Moreover, states with larger proportion of minority students uses the accountability systems that puts more pressure. This will show that minority students will be greatly affected ununiformly by disadvantages associated with high-stakes testing (Waldow, 2015).
3 Charter schools are public schools which do not depend on school districts by contracts with states or local boards while traditional schools are schools that depend on school districts and their set syllabus relying on the state education standards (Winters, 2015). The similarity between charter schools and the traditional schools is that schools do not discriminate the students they always enroll, they are free and all of them are funded by the states. In charter schools, certification of teachers is not such important but it always differs from one state to the other but in traditional schools, certification of the teachers is mandatory. Moreover, in charter schools, the syllabus is always flexible but the accountability on performance is held to the school while in traditional schools, a syllabus is prepared by state education board and implemented by the school district board.
4 In the US, the NCLB holds schools and school districts responsible for the results of their students. According to the act, schools are responsible for the learning of the students. This act increases the accountability of the teachers on the learning attainment and the performance of the student (Bryk, Gomez, Grunow & LeMahieu, 2015). According to NCLB teachers must be highly qualified and the accountability of the student performance is based on the responsibility of the individual teacher. Evaluation and observation of the teachers will cause them to work extra hard to make sure that they produce the best results. Another way the schools are held accountable is through students getting pass scores from standardized tests. The test is always administered by the government and teachers are always expected to teach and prepare students in the areas where the test will major.
5 In the America, vouchers are normally funded with state dollars. The voucher programs allow students to choose the school they want to enroll in. However, most of the students always choose the private schools at a public expense (Hungerman & Rinz, 2016). In one sense, all the funds that are given out in form of vouchers are channeled to the private schools. The funds which directed to private schools increased the revenue that was to be collected by 1 dollar. The funds gotten by the students is normally used by the parents to pay the tuition fees and some other education expenses. The justices in Nevada argued that having the funds deposited in the parent’s accounts is not ethical since the money could be used for other expenses other than education expenses. They also believed that these funds would separate church and state.
6 According to Diane Ravitch, the future of American public schools is as at risk which one of the cornerstones of the democracy. He claims attack on public schools is like a f...
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