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Advantages of Online Education

Essay Instructions:

I need a Rough Draft.

Write your Argument Paper Rough Draft using the APA Paper Template. Your paper should be 700 to 1,050 words.

Create robust body paragraphs to present your full argument by expanding on the topics in your outline.

Ensure each body paragraph has a topic sentence.

Incorporate the research you have gathered to support your argument.

Make your best attempt at formatting in-text citations and a reference page, which you will learn more about in Week 4. You may use the Reference and Citation Generator to help you construct your citations and references.

Create an introduction paragraph that includes your thesis statement and introduces your reader to the main topics included in your paper.

Create a conclusion paragraph to bring your paper to a close.

Ensure your paper includes the following elements prior to submission:

A title page

An introduction paragraph with a thesis statement that clearly states your argument.

APA-formatted level 1 headings for each main topic

A topic sentence to begin each body paragraph under each main topic

No more than three to five instances of paraphrased or directly quoted material integrated throughout the paper, followed by the appropriate APA-formatted citation

A conclusion paragraph

A reference page with a reference listing for a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources

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Online Education
The 21st century has witnessed very rapid development in almost all sectors and fields. These developments can be attributed to advancement in technology and increase in knowledge. The education sector has not been spared either as technology has influenced the sector in a major way. Online education has gained popularity among today students as much as the desire to get higher knowledge has in the last decade. This phenomenon may be recognized and accepted but at the same time, it is widely opposed in other regions of the world. The advantages accrued while incorporating online education are much more than the disadvantages and makes life easier for both the student and the educator and hence supporting the phenomenon is not only the right path to take but also a way of embracing the future that is so clear. Our society is torn between the two different ways of learning that is the online and the traditional settings, I personally advocate for online education but the existing system cannot be ignore as seen below.to support the argument the study will observe advantages of online as opposed to the traditional method.
Online education
Also be referred to as distance learning, online learning is the new technique of learning where the student and the instructor engage each other through a computer network (Warschauer, 1998). It is an opportunity to take the chosen course online. The main goal of the online education system is to provide the student with a learning experience, which is tailored to the individual than it could have been if it was in a classroom setting. The system increases learning by doing which is a more effective method as it is engaging.
Virtual education is a flexible and convenient way to acquire knowledge (Harasim, 1996). Technology has given us an opportunity to utilize the service and solution based wor...
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