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Discovery Civics Exam Questions. Education Essay

Essay Instructions:


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Yalda Rawan

Discovery Civics (IGED – 280)

Please respond to each question in thorough, detail. Please note the definition of the term privilege being used is throughout this exam is an advantage or source of pleasure granted to a person.

Also note that the definition of the term obligation being used throughout this exam is a binding promise, contract, or sense of duty.

Define civics. Define civic engagement.  Define civic responsibility. State and provide 3 examples of the privileges of U.S. citizens. State and provide 3 examples of the obligations of U.S. citizens. (10 points)

Define the term privilege. Define the term obligation. State and provide 3 examples of how higher education (attending college) is a privilege. State and provide 3 examples of how higher education (attending college) is an obligation. (10 points)

What is the Bill of Rights? State the Bill of Rights. State 2 reasons why the Bill of Rights was important to be included in the U.S. Constitution. State and provide 3 examples of how the Bill of Rights are a privilege to U.S. citizens. State and provide 3 examples of how the Bill of Rights are an obligation to U.S. citizens. (10 points)

State and provide 3 examples of why you are proud to be a citizen of the United States of America. State and provide 3 examples of why you are not proud to be a citizen of the United States of America. If you are not a citizen of the United States of America, state and provide 3 examples of why you want to be a citizen of the U.S.A. If you are not a citizen of the United States of America, state why you do not want to be a citizen of the U.S.A. (10 points)

Address 3 of the greatest issues in the U.S. today, 2018. Thoroughly define and explain the issues in detail. Why is each of the stated issues a problem? Explain the solution to each of the stated issues in detail. Be sure to support definitions and statements with referenced/researched evidence. At least 2 sources of evidence are required. (10 points)


In addition, this exam should be approximately 4 pages, typed in 1.5 spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font. In addition, any cited or referenced information should be in APA documentation format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discovery civics exam questions
Institutional Affiliation
Question 1
Civics is the academic and practical study of aspects of citizenship, such as the rights of a citizen and duties of citizens to others and the government.
Civic engagement refers to the involvement in the social and political life of a community with the aim of developing awareness, skills, and principles to make a difference.
Civil responsibility is the responsibility of a citizen to participate through actions and attitudes towards democratic governance and social contribution. It includes participating in church or the government and volunteering.
American citizens enjoy various privileges. One is the privilege of living without the fear of deportation. For instance, when you commit a non-violent crime such as failing to pay parking tickets, you have no fear of being deported. You do not have to agonize about not getting asylum because you are transgender or gay. Also, when you leave America, you are sure you will be allowed back into the country (Lopez, 2016, Jun 22).
The American citizens are bound and obligated to obey the law. For instance, by upholding the laws, whether we agree with it or not, showing gratitude for the benefits the laws have provided for citizens and keeping a country’s promise of eliminating chaos (Kobach, 2018).
Question 2
Privilege refers to a special advantage or source of pleasure contracted to an individual.
Obligation refers to a binding promise, contract or sense of duty to something.
Higher education is a privilege because not everyone can afford to go to college (Hashi, 2012, Apr 9). For instance, some parents may not have the funds to take an individual through college. Not all students access scholarships to pay their way through college, and even those who are working college is out of reach due to different responsibilities.
Higher education is an obligation due to various reasons. One, college education impacts a student with knowledge and skills. Therefore, one can get into the job market and give back to the community. Help in fulfilling duties of a citizen such as paying taxes and help accomplish the highest honor such as in science and technology that benefits the country.
Question 3
According to the National Archives, the Bill Of Rights refers to a list of ten essential rights that every American citizen should enjoy in the Constitution (National Archives, 2016, Oct 12).
The Bills of Rights enumerate the following rights.
* First Amendment provides every person with the right to express their ideas, assemble in groups or protest and to hold religious beliefs (Bill of Rights Institute, 2018).
* Second Amendment gives every citizen the right to own and keep guns.
* The third Amendment protects homeowners from orders to permit solders to use their homes.
* The fourth amendment stops the government from searching and confiscating an individual’s property without a valid reason.
* The Fifth Amendment protects suspected criminals by stating that their cases should be jury cases, one person should not be prosecuted more than once for the same crime, and the government should not seize property belonging to a suspected criminal without compensating them. Also, every criminal should have a fair process (Bill of Rights Institute, 2018).
* The Sixth Amendment states that accused people have the right to a prompt and public trial that is fair, know their charges, face their accusers, have legal representation and presents their witnesses.
* The Seventh Amendment states that civil lawsuits that surpass twenty dollars should have a jury deciding it.
* The Eighth Amendment guards against imposing of excess bails, fines, and torturous punishment.
* The Ninth Amendment establishes that the listing of some rights does not mean the denial or mocking of other rights.
* The Tenth Amendment enumerates that the federal government only holds the rights enumerated by the constitution with the rest being a purview of the state (Bill of Rights Institute, 2018).
Incorporating the Bill of Rights in the constitution was vital because it helped to safeguard individual liberty and to make legislators accountable to the Constitution.
The Bill of Rights is a privilege to U.S. citizens because not all people in the world get to enjoy all the...
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