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Field Experience Reflection

Essay Instructions:

. Begin with a brief description of your placement.
Use the first paragraph of your paper for this. Include some brief information about the grade
level, the physical appearance/set up of the classroom, and some information about the students'
demographics (gender, race, age, etc).
2. Assessment
What is assessment like? Describe types of assessments you observed during the semester. For
example: writing-based activities can be rote written "practice" activities--worksheets with one-
word or phrase responses, or more complex writing activities--graphic organizers, stories,
reports, research papers, lab journals, etc. Did you see theme-based or project-based learning or
anything similar? Did you see demonstration or performance-based assessments in science, art,
music, etc.?
3. Accommodations and Modifications:
List some of the assessment accommodations and modifications (if observed) provided to
students with disabilities/exceptionalities.
4. Concluding reflections:
What ideas, techniques, and models will you take away with you in relation to assessing
What have you learned that will make you a better teacher?
5. Question
Following your fieldwork observation and experience, list one question you have about
classroom assessment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Field Experience Reflection
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Field Experience Reflection
Description of My Placement
Over the last few months, I was on a teaching practice placement at Benjamin school in West Chicago. During the teaching practice, I interacted with middle school students between grade six to eight, and their ages ranged between ten to fourteen. The school's classrooms were colorful and active, with numerous prints and a library that carried several word categories that gave the learners great reading opportunities. Also, they had a large meeting center at the corner where students with their peers would meet during discussions. I interacted with students from different races in the classrooms, such as the whites, Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics. Also, I interacted with students with different disabilities such as reading and writing, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and mobility disabilities.
Benjamin's school assessment was thorough and excellent. As a result, I managed to observe several types of assessments used in the school. They included formative assessment where the teachers applied low-stake quizzes and polls to determine whether their students understood what they were learning (Shepard, 2019). Also, under this type of assessment, the teachers used entry and exit slips to start a class by asking a quick question about the former day work. Another type of assessment I observed is an ipsative assessment where the teachers compared students' previous results with the current and helped them set goals of improving their skills.
Under this type of assessment, they mainly incorporated project-based learning activities. Project-based learning activities were common in the school, especially in math subjects, as students would be taught the art of triangles by creating posters of drawings (Astawa et al., 2017). On the other hand, the use of performance-based assessment was common. Some performance-based activities included dramatic performances such as dances and recitals and exhibits and fairs for science subjects.
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