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Second Language Acquisition Association with Positive Learning and Social Outcomes

Essay Instructions:

Final paper : I prefer speaking fluently in L2(French) classroom and among native speakers
The final paper is a 6-8 pages research/pedagogy-oriented paper that includes a synthesis of the research and a reflection/application piece.
Select one aspect/area of teaching/learning foreign languages that particularly interests you and submit:
I. Synthesis of the research: the main ideas of no less than six and no more than eight articles/chapters (excluding anything we have read for class).
II. Reflection/application: your thoughts on how the information you synthesized in the first part of the paper applies to your teaching of foreign languages.
III. Minimum of 8 references. The articles/chapters that you’ve summarized for the paper + two more (these could be articles/chapters we’ve read in class)
Be careful that you don’t choose a topic that is too wide-ranging. Once you choose the area/aspect you want to research, you should focus on something specific within that area. It is imperative that you review the literature extensively before you decide on a topic, or an area within that topic.
Please use these headings in your paper:
• Introduction: State the current state of the topic that you are going to address; frame the paper. (one-two paragraphs)
• Literature review: A synthesis of the research on your selected topic. (weave a narrative; no bullets or subheadings for the articles)
• Reflection/application: What are your thoughts on the articles you have read? How do you apply what you have read to your teaching (present or future)?
• List of research cited: Separate page, does not count for the 6-8 pages.
SLO theoretical background (429):
I. Summary the research project or proposal completed for EDUC.
II. Synthesis of the research: the main ideas of ~4 articles/chapters that support your research project (excluding anything we have read in class).
 Organization, ease of reading
As this is a research/pedagogy-oriented paper, remember to cite, cite, cite! The readings on teaching writing have excellent suggestions for writing academic papers, you may want to consult them as you write.
Deadlines: 10 PM
1- Use the Abrams' (2019) and Goertler’s (2019) articles to help you answer this question and refer to other readings that you find of interest.
2- Elola, I. & Oskoz, A. (2017). Writing with 21st century social tools in the L2 classroom: New literacies, genres, and writing practices. Journal of Second Language Writing, 1–33
3- Oral Fluency: The Neglected
Component in the Communicative
Language Classroom
Marian J. Rossiter
Tracey M. Derwing
Linda G. Manimtim
Ron I. Thomson
4- Ortega’s (2017) article to answer this question ( As Ortega (2017) says, the integration of digital literacy in the lives of our students is a matter of social justice)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Second Language Acquisition
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Second Language Acquisition
The student body is becoming more and more internationalized. Today, many international students visit the United States and other European nations to acquire knowledge and be self-reliant in the future. As the education sector is becoming diversified, it is becoming apparent that language use is an important factor in aiding communication between the student-instructor relationships and among students drawn from diverse social backgrounds. In particular, the second language (L2) fluency field lends itself to this subject as an important topic worth consideration. An understating of the second language (L2) fluency transcend simplifying instructions to students to achieving nuanced relationships among the instructors, students, and non-teaching staff. L2 users differ from monolingual native speakers in a meaningful manner. As such, it is important to consider how they speak by giving them autonomy of speech and refraining from associating them as an approximation to monolingual native speakers. Language professionals are striving to ensure that second language is taken seriously in learning institutions. This paper argues that second language acquisition is associated with positive learning and social outcomes when utilized appropriately.
Literature Review
According to Rossiter et al. (2010), most learning institutions are getting it wrong when it comes to developing oral fluency among students pursuing second language acquisition. Efficient communication in a second language is dependent on the oral fluency of the language. Communicating fluently in the second language gives students the freedom to interact freely with academic, occupational, and social contexts. However, achieving oral fluency is a demanding task. It demands students to invest considerable time in practicing the language. Conversely, in some instances, it requires considerable financial input. Oral fluency is one of the main attributes of fluency in a second language context. The term "fluency" bears a different meaning. However, in its basic form, it is conceptualized as a term related to understanding the vocabulary and grammar of the language (Rossiter et al., 2010). Oral fluency has been associated with improved speech. As much as the majority of communicative language teaching (CLT) classrooms have promoted fluency, they have failed to create an ideal environment for the growth of automatic fluency. Besides, the classrooms have failed to incorporate explicit, focused instruction in developing oral fluency skills. This revelation reveals that as much as more students are spending more time memorizing key elements of a second language, the majority have been disappointed in getting the requisite oral fluency skills.
Oral fluency increases with the increase with the amount of time an individual is exposed to a second language. Further, motivation and ethnic affiliation also influence fluency development. Several theories have been used to ascertain possible ways language proficiency can be improved for a learner pursuing a second language course. As noted earlier, increasing the time to learn the language is a great way of improving oral proficiency. However, el Majidi, de Graaff, and Janssen (2021) have a contradicting yet significant view. This article concedes that emphasizing debate-based instruction is a great way of improving a language learner's oral proficiency. In essence, as students debate news, words are relinquished. To some extent understanding these words can be a daunting task, but as time goes by, a learner is able to connect. It is also worth noting that second language students face challenges of neglect when they communicate contrary to what is expected, given the fact that it is not their language (Burns, 2016; Filipović, 2018). While some are demoralized by being mocked, some are energized during the debates making them struggle harder to learn and grasp as many words as needed and communicate fluently. As such, the bottom line is that effective communication of a second language is attributable to increased confidence among the learners both in schools and respective social settings. This perspective serves as an impetus for instructors to apply proactive strategies aligning with the needs of this group of learners.
Ortega (2017) builds on the previous argument. This article calls for equitable multilingualism. Although technology is a necessity in this current digital era, the author concedes that technology has negatively impacted access and use of second language acquisition. As such, second language instructors must ensure that students are provided with high-quality technology to achieve social justice (Ortega, 2017). This move ensures that language students succeed together. It is noteworthy that it is important to blend computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and second language acquisition (SLA). This learning model improves language proficiency and, most importantly, ensures that learners are subjected to trending issues as they appear. When used teaching language students, technology transcends the significance of making learners grasp the tenets of a second language to improve personal identities. Besides, online-networked discourses are associated with the capability of making second language learners dynamic. According to Chen (2013), Facebook's multimodal choices help language learners negotiate multiple affiliations within diverse networks. For example, it is more likely to link with people from diverse ethnic backgrounds on the Facebook social page. As such as one can learn a new language and, more importantly, be influenced to behave in different ways, such as starting to align with ...
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