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Lesson Preparation: The Government and its Citizens' Roles and Responsibilities

Essay Instructions:

Differentiating instruction is vital to the individual growth of students. Social studies instruction provides students with opportunities to display knowledge and skills in multiple ways, including through the arts. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a group of diverse students and design a standards-based lesson plan that meets the needs of all students while incorporating student experiences, cultures, and communities into instruction.

Select an upper elementary (5-8) grade level and at least one social studies standard related to civics or government and one arts standard. Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” write a complete lesson plan that is aligned to the standard you chose . (PLEASE USE THE COE Lesson Plan Template Example for this)

Include the following in your lesson plan:

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: Based on your Clinical Field Experience class, describe the class and student factors that affect instructional planning. Use this information to differentiate for the needs of students throughout the lesson plan.

National/State Learning Standards: Identify one world history and one arts standard for your selected grade level.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: Create at least one specific learning objective that is aligned to both standards.

Academic Language: List relevant academic language and how it will be modeled.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Describe resources required for the lesson, including media or technology that can be used for differentiation and that supports real-world application.

Multiple Means of Representation: Explain how content will be presented to meet the needs of all students.

Multiple Means of Engagement: Include at least one learning activity that enhances student learning within standards-based social studies instruction.

Multiple Means of Expression: Describe formative and summative assessments that enhance student learning within standards-based social studies instruction.

In a 100-250 word reflection, explain how your differentiated instructional strategies integrate technology and incorporate student experiences, culture, and communities through real-world application.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Grade Level:



January 16, 2022


Being a Responsible Citizen

Instructional Plan Title:

Being a Responsible Citizen

Lesson Summary and Focus:

The lesson will explore the role of governments to the citizens and also seek to explore the roles and responsibilities of citizens to their government.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:

The classroom comprises 35 students who are classified based on their various learning abilities. The classroom dynamics include3 learners perceived as IEP/504 students. Two students had learning disabilities and three had ADHD. Six of them had English as their second language.

National/State Learning Standards:

Civics and Government Standard
2.C&G.1.1 Explain government services and the value they have to the society (libraries, schools, parks, etc.)
2.C&G1.2 Explain how governments establish order, provide security and create laws to manage conflict.
Arts Standard
Art.VA.1.6.1 Understand the varying qualities of materials, techniques, media technology and processes at a developing level.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:

* To understand what it means to be a citizen.
* To understand what role citizens play in supporting their societies and their government
* To understand what government services means.
* To understand how people benefit from the government services.

Academic Language

First, I will begin by defining what it means to be a citizen. I will then define the government in terms of its three branches and what each branch plays. I will explain the role that citizens play in helping the government to achieve its goals. During this process, I will seek to identify some of the misconceptions that the learners have developed regarding the role of government in their lives.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:

YouTube video
A storyboard
Storyboard Activity directions
Biographies of the histories of good citizens
The resources that will be useful for this lesson will include a YouTube video, which will help in explaining the role of citizens to the government and how the government operates. A storyboard will help in providing instances where good citizenry applies and how the people can help support their government. The storyboard will also consider the role of governments in supporting its people. The main objective of these storylines and illustrations will be to not only mold responsible citizens, but to also allow the citizens to hold their governments responsible for any actions that the government provides. The lesson is prompted by the fact that many people do not know how they should help the government besides paying taxes. On the contrary, many people do not understand that they are entitled to certain government projects. Instead, they treat them as favors while others do not even use those government services.

Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
* I will begin by asking the learners their understanding of a good citizen. I will then go to the YouTube channel and play to what good citizen means. I then proceed to the storyboard, which I will use to provide examples of good citizenry and also some of the projects that governments have done for the people.
* I will then present the students with the biographies of some of the prominent people and the role they played in supporting the government and the societies in which they hailed.

Time Needed
20 min

Multiple Means of Representation
* I will use the YouTube video clips to explain to the students the meaning of responsible citizenship, including examples of the same.
* I will direct the students to provide their own accounts of when they experienced or undertook acts that could classify them as good citizens.
* English language learners (ELL): I will use different forms of deliveries, includi...
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