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Feedback to my ASL Teacher

Essay Instructions:

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You can write add the information you want to if you sense the grammar. Im deaf and my second language is not great. Minimum 5 pages without cover and citation.
This form should be printed and discussed between the host ASL teacher and TASL student.
Attached to the copy should be a self-reflection detailing information from the discussion, and identifying a plan of action for continued growth as a professional educator

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Midterm Evaluation and Reflection
For a few weeks in the semester, I observed (Name) on hybrid online every Monday and Wednesday from 6 pm to 8 pm at (College) in (City). Since I am not an ASL teacher, I have to observe (Name) for my Teaching Practicum I class at the (College). She teaches ASL III for the class-based students and units lesson in the True Way program. She also has a Zoom live class every Monday, while every Tuesday, she provides feedback to the teachers, directs them on what to do, and suggests critical areas for improvement in my journey of becoming a teacher. Her instructions are thorough and constructive because they have enabled me to become a vigilant observer of (Name)’s ways of rising into a better teacher in the future. She underlines 7 Professional Disposition Qualities (PDQ), including Professional Appearance, Attendance, Professional Responsibility, Ethical Behavior, Response to Feedback, Cultural and Linguistic Diverse Awareness, and Communication Skills. Thus, it was transformative to discuss the importance of these 7 PDQ rubrics with (Name).
While observing (Name) on Zoom live, I noted that she remains polite with an admirable professional appearance. Her signing is also refined and easy for anyone to understand. She signs clearly and wants to make sure the student understands her sign language. The interactions in this platform enabled me to appreciate the value of appropriate appearance, including the dressing and accuracy in sign language. For instance, she prefers to wear a solid blouse without distracting prints or stripes. She appears tidy and natural with no visible makeup on her face, no jewelry, or long nails, demonstrating her classic nature as a woman. I realized that she values directing the attention of her learners to the class context rather than deflecting it with commonly ignored distractors. As a result, she recognizes that some learners may become disadvantaged by teacher-linked traits and behaviors and desists from integrating them in her class through her simplistic yet bold and noticeable look. Her composure throughout her sessions reflected a professional and adequately prepared expert. As a result, I look forward to applying these lessons as an experienced teacher. I will prioritize an appropriate appearance characterized by nice clothes, neutral makeup, lovely nails without bright colors, and less jewelry. This approach will assist me in delivering my teaching duties excellently.
While attending (Name's) lectures, my punctuality enabled me to note an equally punctual individual. Her dedication to teaching was fascinating, considering her time discipline while delivering her lectures through the Zoom platform. Her mellow personality further showed another attractive side of this gentle expert. For instance, she makes sure every student remains satisfied with their homework and course. She cares about optimum gains for everyone, which enabled me to understand why she wants to work with motivated students to learn ASL and become an interpreter ASL teacher or another career. Training them about attendance and time management discipline, similar to a real-world job, would ensure that these students progressively improve their knowledge and skill to transform them into qualified instructors in the future. This practice agrees with claims that “one of the best things about being a teacher is that teaching matters and make a difference, especially to the students” (Whitaker, 2013). Thus, she emphasizes this learning by being a role model to her class.
Professional responsibility emerged as my biggest challenge through my interaction with (Name). Her concerns about the students revealed that this aspect is a sensitive duty that one must demonstrate unwavering resolve to accomplish at all times. For instance, the professor would sacrifice her time to address the shortcomings and needs of every student to ensure that they all remain active participants in her lessons. She considers this attitude vital because it improves their understanding of concepts, critical for improved performance in their homework and tests. She also challenges each individual to complete their assignments on time and study well for quizzes or tests. As a result, it was vital for me to promote the seamlessness of this process by aligning everything from students’ attendance, on-time homework, and examination. I had to remain attentive and flag anything concerning that would continue to compromise and trigger failure among the students. Whitaker (2013) indicates that “great teachers work hard to keep their relationships in good repair to avoid personal hurt and to repair any possible damage.” As a result, I learned how to request meeting with the student and ask them questions, including “how was your homework? Do you have any problems with homework? Or any questions? Thus, checking on every student to assist them in completing their homework assignments and maintaining attendance remains critical.
Ethical behavior is an essential component for all stakeholders within the school environment, including the students and teachers. It comprises honesty, fairness, integrity, and understanding. They enable individuals to remain respectful and embrace diversity irrespective of color, disability, and sexual orientation, such as LGBTQIA. I observed (Name) display unmatched fairness, honesty, and integrity to her students. Her conduct alights with the claim that “in addition to understanding the ethic, racial, linguistic, and cultural diversity of learners, teachers should also understand that all learners are u...
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