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Evaluating the System of Co-teaching Students

Essay Instructions:

A special education teacher in a resource setting has a very difficult job, meeting the needs of a variety of students and covering a multitude of subject matters in a single class period. Being able to properly structure your class and effectively manage class time will help you meet the needs of all students and not become overwhelmed. Adding a number of strategies and accommodations to your teaching repertoire will also increase your efficacy in the classroom.

For this assignment, take on the role of a first-year special education teacher who has been assigned to the resource room to work with students who are working at the ninth grade level for both English and math. You have about 10 students during this class period and an aide to assist you. Students meet with you for 50 minutes each day to get help with homework, finish their classwork, study for tests, and get extra support in each subject area. You will need to structure the class so that student needs in both subject areas will have time to be addressed.

Use the “Class Profile” to obtain specific information about the needs of your students.

Part 1: Teacher Inquiries

In 250 words compose a response for the following:

Questions you would have about your teaching assignment before it begins, including any requests for additional information.

Questions you would have for fellow teachers and administration.

Information you would like to have before the end of the first week of school.

Provide a rationale for each inquiry. Cite both the “Class Profile” and an additional minimum of two outside scholarly resources in your responses.

Part 2: Classroom Environment

In 500 words compose a response for the following:

Provide a minimum of three possible ways to structure the classroom setting.

Provide a minimum of two possible ways to structure a class period.

Provide a minimum of three instructional strategies, to include accommodations and/or assistive technology, to meet the curricular content needs of your students in both the English language arts and math classes.

Provide two collaboration strategies to use when working with the classroom aide assisting you in meeting the needs of the students in the resource room setting.

Provide support for your responses, citing both the “Class Profile” and an additional minimum of two outside scholarly resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of the assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your Name:
Subject and Section:
Professor's Name:
Date Submitted:
Part 1: Teacher Inquiries
Before the beginning of the resource teaching assignment, some questions that I would like to ask my fellow teachers and administration are the following:
"What is the system of co-teaching the students?"
Knowing the system will enable a resource teacher to work with other co-teachers in making sure that the students are getting a quality education and that the unique needs of each student are supported in both English and Math. It is vital because the children are attending 9th to 10th-grade class levels, and having a guided and synchronous plan, the teachers should have good communication (Alghazo & Alkhazaleh, 2021).
"How do teachers communicate with the parents?"
Educating a child involves the school and teachers, and the parents/caregivers, so proper communication and collaboration with the support system of a student should be established (Da Fonte & Barton-Arwood, 2018).
"What is expected of me in this teaching assignment?"
A proper outline of the job description, roles, and responsibilities will aid in the high quality and holistic performance that a resource teacher can give to the students while also contributing to creating a healthy community and other teachers and the administration.
Previous records and assessment of the students
Before the first week of school ends, the resource teacher should assess the current level of each student in class, including previous documents that will help create a personalized plan for each student. This will include barriers to learning and considerations so that the classroom and setting can be modified to accommodate the specific needs of each student, which will promote effective and efficient learning in Math and English.
Part 2
Classroom Environment
The resource classroom setting can be structured in many ways. Still, there are many considerations to ensure that the resource classroom will accommodate the specific needs of the students. Three possible ways that can be applied to the class profile given are barriers, own cubbyholes, and visual aids. Barriers will help the students focus more. This will give them options depending on whether they are more productive in small groups discussing the same level of study materials or studying alone in a focused corner. The cubbyholes in a classroom will help develop organization while promoting accountability and responsibility in each one. These designated cubbyholes will contain the student's record folders and individualized learning materials. Lastly, the visual aids such as labels, diagrams, and protocols, that will be s...
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