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Ethical Guidelines in Classroom Management

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After viewing the video below, discuss how this particular middle school teacher follows (or does not follow) the ethical guidelines in order to manage classroom behavior. What recommendations do you have for her?

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Ethical Guidelines in Classroom Management
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Ethical Guidelines in Classroom Management
In the video, Ms. Maureen demonstrates several strengths in managing her classroom behavior, but there are also areas where improvements could align better with ethical guidelines. On the positive side, Ms. Maureen maintains a professional boundary by segregating her desk from the students, and she establishes a structured learning environment with the use of an agenda on the board every Monday. Additionally, she engages students throughout the class, demonstrating her commitment to their learning and keeping a well-organized classroom to model good behavior.
However, there are some concerns about how she addresses disruptive students. Threatening students with consequences like telling them to parents and detention can create a fear-based atmosphere, potentially hindering positive teacher-student relationships. When students are consistently threatened with punitive measures, they may become apprehensive about participating in class discussions or seeking help, fearing that any mistake or misbehavior will result in severe consequences. A fear-driven approach can stifle open communication and hinder the development of a supportive and trusting learning environment (Bullough Jr, 2014). Additionally, some students may learn to exploit this fear by deliberately acting out or avoiding tasks to escape potential consequences, further exacerbating disruptive behaviors. As a result, the classroom dynamic may become tense and less conducive to learning, as students prioritize avoiding punishment over active engagement in their academic pursuits.
Instead, a more balanced approach involving positive reinforcement and restorative practices would be in line with ethical guidelines. By acknowledging and praising students for their positive behaviors, Ms. Maureen can promote a more positive classroom culture (Bullough Jr, 2014). Furthermore, implementing restorative practices, such as dialogue and reflection, can help students understand the impact of their actions and foster a sense of responsibility and empathy.
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