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Behavior Intervention Plan for Gavin

Essay Instructions:

please see attached to complete this request :

First, review the attached PowerPoint slides regarding Gavin, an actual student.

Second, click on the attached Word document, “Quiz 2.” Respond to the questions. Case Study

Case Study

Based on the information you just learned, you will develop a behavior intervention plan for Gavin.

  1. What is the targeted behavior (select only one)? (1pt.)
  2. What is the function of the behavior? (2pts.)
  3. What is the replacement behavior? (2pts.)
  4. How do you plan to collect and record your data? (6pts.)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quiz 2
Case Study
What is the targeted behavior (select only one)? (1pt.)
The targeted behavior for Gavin is not allowing other students the opportunity to participate in activities.
What is the function of the behavior? (2pts.)
The function of Gavin's behavior is likely seeking attention and immediate gratification. By impulsively "volunteering" himself for activities and not allowing others to participate, he may gain attention from teachers and peers. Additionally, his impulsive actions might stem from a desire for immediate engagement in activities that interest him, without considering the needs or feelings of others. This behavior may provide him with a sense of control and excitement, which reinforces the impulsivity.
What is the replacement behavior? (2pts.)
The replacement behavior will be teaching Gavin to raise his hand or wait for his turn when he wants to participate in activities. This will help him learn patience, respect for others, and improve his self-control.
How do you plan to collect and record your data? (6pts.)
To collect and record data on Gavin's targeted behavior, a structured ABC (Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence) data collection method will be used (Allday, Nelson, & Russel, 2011). This method involves documenting specific events surrounding the behavior to identify patterns and triggers. The teacher will observe Gavin during specific periods when group activities are taking place or when waiting in line is required. During the observation, the teacher will utilize a behavior chart or data sheet tailored specifically to Gavin's targeted behavior. Whenever Gavin interrupts, fails to wait his turn, or hastily "volunteers" himself for an activity, denying others a chance to participate, the observer will make a mark on the chart (Reiber & McLaughlin, 2004). This chart will include columns to record the date, time, location (such as the classroom or playground), and a brief description of the context or antecedent leading to the behavior. Data collection will occur during specific times of the school day, such as group activities, class discussions, or transitions between tasks. To ensure consistency and accuracy, multiple staff members may be involved in data collection. The data collection period will span several weeks to obtain a comprehensive picture of Gavin's behavior patterns and to identify any recurring trends that may influence his impulsive actions. The ABC sheet will also be used to collect data following the implementation of the behavior intervention.
Discuss the implementation of your intervention. (10pts.)
The ideal intervention to address the problem behavior in Gavin is the implementation of structured activities that require turn-taking is an ideal intervention for Gavin due to his love for learning, active involvement in school, and voracious imagination. These activities will not only provide him with a structured environment but also channel his energy and creativity positively. By engaging in activities that promote turn-taking, Gavin will have the opportunity to practice patience, self-control, and respect for others' participation.
The intervention will consist of a carefully curated selection of structured activities that align with his interests and age group. Based on his interests, the activities will include group art projects, collaborative storytelling, music or dance performances, and small-scale business simulations (Prout, 1977). Before commencing each acti...
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