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Clinical Field Experience A: Language Focus

Essay Instructions:

Supporting a learner through English language development requires an intentional focus on the English language, in addition to the content being addressed.

Arrange the clinical field experience for this course in a K-8 or 9-12 school setting that includes English language learners in which you observe and collaborate with a certified teacher. Prior to the clinical field experience, review the requirements of all clinical field experiences for this course. Create a document to share with your mentor teacher detailing these requirements and what is being requested of the mentor. This document should include the scheduling required to complete all assignments.

Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Part 1: Interview and Observation

Discuss language instruction of ELLs with your mentor teacher. You may consult other teachers at your field experience site to gather additional information if needed. Include the following in your discussion:

How do you address language form (vocabulary, grammar, and discourse specific to a particular content area) and language function (the purposes for communication/use of language in academic and social contexts) in your classroom?

How do you address the relationship between verbal and written expression in your classroom?

What strategies do you implement to support the various language needs of ELLs?

How do you provide ELLs with content area instruction that meets grade level expectations, while supporting their English language development?

Plan at least two additional questions to discuss with the teacher.

Observe at least one classroom in a K-8 or 9-12 school setting with ELLs. Pay special attention to how the teacher includes the forms and functions of language in instruction. Take note of the language supports provided to all students and the targeted/additional supports provided to ELLs.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Part 2: Plan and Reflect

Following the observation, identify with your mentor teacher a student or group of students with ELL needs you are able to work with in future field experiences. You will be working with the students in two additional field experiences. Discuss the needs of the students and how you can best assist in supporting their language acquisition needs during time in the mentor’s classroom.

Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing your observations and discussions. Include how you will support the student or group of students in additional field experiences.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Lo

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Clinical Field Experience A: Language Focus
Clinical Field Experience A: Language Focus
Part 1: Interview and Observation
Addressing Language Form and Language Function
Using a topic that students can relate to is the ideal method to cover language form and function. Make eye contact and move your body when speaking to the learner for the best results. Prove your concern and devotion for them. In my opinion, role acting and engaging in educational games like alphabet bingo are other effective ways to help students learn the language in the learning environment. Instructing students to develop their language. Even reading books with significant text allows you to build your vocabulary.
Address Verbal and Written Expression
I will mention that using picture books is one of my preferred methods for discussing the connection between vocal and written communication. I enjoy reading short stories to my learners while asking them to identify the picture book's components in the correct order (Schmidt, 2019). Making sentences is another approach. We will begin by teaching them a few words from time to time, and once they have had sufficient practice, we will form sentences out of the words they understand. Additionally, I observe teachers labeling material in the classroom in both the student's native language and English. It is best to acquire a few words in the student's original language for verbal communication.
Strategies to Support Language Needs of ELLs
Learning a few words or sentences is essential to assist you in conversing with the learners. If possible, ask a classmate who knows multiple languages to help you, and avoid hesitating to use technology (Parker, 2023). It is recommended to use books and books with audio in the learner's native language in the learning environment. Imagery is crucial when using the same words and visual examples again since it gives the audience time to understand the knowledge. The children start learning English words.
Supporting English Language Development
In my opinion, differentiating instruction for pupils according to their grade level is the greatest method to address this issue. Instructions should be given in the learner's native tongue. Ensure that the class environment is covered with prints (Chambers et al., 2018). Utilize intera...
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