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Erickson’s Generativity versus Stagnation Stage

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Human Growth & Development Assignment 8
Part A
1 Compare and contrast Erikson’s generativity versus stagnation stage with his ego-integrity versus despair stage for middle and late adulthood. Include at least three examples from your text as you compare and contrast the two stages.
First, generativity versus stagnation comes in as the second last, or the seventh stage in the theory of psychosocial development by Erikson. It occurs in middle adulthood. The ego-integrity versus despair stage, on the other hand, is the last stage in theory and comes in the late adulthood stage (Feldman, 2016). In other terms, whereas the generativity versus stagnation stage happens in individuals between ages 40 and 65, the ego-integrity versus despair stage occurs for individuals over 65 years of age. For example, from the text, an individual in the last stage usually looks back at the life and tries to come to terms with everything. Secondly, while the generativity versus stagnation stage makes an individual look at how he can contribute to society in a way that leaves a permanent, long-lasting impact, the ego-integrity versus despair stage entails an individual reflecting and reminiscing on whether he has lived a satisfactory life. For example, from the text, one finds generativity through taking an active engagement with the community and the people close to them (Feldman, 2016). Third, the main virtue in the generativity versus stagnation stage is care, since an individual focuses on nurturing either family, work, or even marriage, while the main virtue in the ego-integrity versus despair stage is usually wisdom (Cherry, 2022). Fourth, in both stages, an individual usually looks at how one has lived his life in the context of others and society. Both stages are like a race, where one keeps looking at whether the tack they are following is right or wrong. They are both significant markers in the long trudge of life. For example, from the text, one might become bored or frustrated at these stages (Feldman, 2016).
2 Write a well thought-out paragraph for each of the following:
• The occurrences that can affect positive or negative outcomes in Erickson’s generativity versus stagnation stage.
This stage usually comes with a lot of questions for oneself, especially in relation to what one was supposed to have achieved by then against what they have actually achieved(Feldman, 2016). It, therefore, comes with a lot of self-retrospection, self-introspection, and personal criticism as well. The positive outcome that comes at this stage is usually the feeling of satisfaction in an individual. This is often a result of having achieved the set life goals, such as in their careers or businesses, as well as their personal lives being in order. The negative outcome is the set of personal disappointment and bitterness at the failure to have achieved life’s goals at that stage. To this end, it is clear that the occurrences that can affect these outcomes are namely; career progression, personal progression, and social progression (Cherry, 2022). When they turn out well, it yields a positive outcome, and when they don’t, it yields a negative outcome.
• Three proactive changes you can make personally to improve your generativity in your lifetime.
As a person, I am also undergoing the course of life and, therefore, also experiencing Erikson’s psychosocial stages. I have already learned that the generativity versus stagnation stage is one of the toughest for any person since it comes with a lot of personal evaluation and questioning (Villar & Celdran, 2019). It is a stage that can easily bury someone in frustrations for the rest of their lives. There are three proactive changes that I can make to improve generativity in my lifetime. First, I need to nurture my relationship with my family. I think this usually forms the first line of solace for anyone. Family is the basic unit of one’s social life, and therefore, I will make all efforts to ensure that I am at ease with my family. This includes checking out on them, visiting them, and always being there in case of any emergencies or fun events with them.
Secondly, I will try my best to come up with something that will mentor others. This includes helping others with their studies. I am good at mathematics and sciences, so I will try forming a group that encourages the younger generation to love mathematics and sciences through a practical approach to training them too. Finally, I am going to try and be a person of my words. This means that I will try keeping my promises and commitments to people so that I can be counted on as a dependable individual.
Part B
1 Describe the physical and cognitive changes that occur in late adulthood, including how some of these changes may lead to decline and eventual death.
During late a...
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