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Human Growth and Development: Middle Childhood

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Human Growth & Development II Assignment 4
Part A
1. Middle Childhood
Childhood is considered to be one of the most precious times in the life of a human being. It is full of observations and discoveries of what is around. As children get old, they learn how to interact with one another and become more involved in activities like sports. Middle childhood is when a child is between 6 to 12 years. This is the age where they learn morals, form friendships, and become more active at home, church, or school. It is important to note that parents play a vital role during this development state because they promote their growth and development. During middle childhood, children go through cognitive, physical, and emotional changes that assist them in expressing themselves as individuals. 2. Adolescence
The adolescent stage ranges from 13 to 18 years. This is a stage that bridges the gap between childhood and adulthood. This transition involves biological changes referred to as social, puberty, and physical changes. Barry & Blow (2016) notes that biological and physical changes are the easiest to notice and measure objectively. Socially, adolescents spend a lot of time interacting with friends, parents, and teachers, although new experiences arise and their relations take a different direction, especially in dating and intimacy. The cognitive development of adolescents entails their thinking processes which are more abstract and idealistic.3. Early Adulthood
Early adulthood is also called emerging adulthood because young adults have not taken the full responsibilities of an adult. However, these individuals continue exploring areas like education and work (Zimmermann & Iwanski, 2014). One of the major positive outcomes of this stage is that they form close relationships with a partner, but they end up suffering from self-absorption and loneliness.4. Middle Adulthood
Middle adulthood begins between 40 and 60 years. This is a time that needs a multidimensional understanding of all the processes and changes taking place. During this stage, social, cognitive, and physical changes occur, creating significant stress and anxiety among individuals (Zimmermann & Iwanski, 2014).
Part B
1 Describe how identity of self is developed in middle childhood and continued in adolescence, early adulthood, and middle adulthood, including one concrete example of how growth occurs for each stage.
Young people are usually affected by various aspects of their immediate environment, which helps to define their identity. These aspects include upbringing back home, the teaching in school as well as friends that they hang out with (Pfeifer & Berkman, 2018). From middle childhood, the individual is slowly coming to learn of oneself but not fully. In middle childhood, children usually develop some sense of personal competence and a realization that they can do something within their immediate environment. For example, they learn to adhere to the rules of the games they play in school or even at home. They, therefore, start feeling like they can be important members of society. This rapidly changes during adolescence, as the individual rapidly transitions from childhood to adulthood, carrying the need to carve out an identity for themselves (Feldman, 2016). In this stage, one experiences rapid growth in cognitive, emotional, and physical aspects. For example, they will choose a certain group as their friends and not another.
In early and middle adulthood, identity is developed in three ways; conformity to changes, integration with previous identities, and engagement or participation in the social happenings. In these two stages, much of an individual’s identity comes from how they perceive themselves in relation to others (Feldman, 2016). This is hinged on one’s personal progress and achievements that far, with aspects such as family, job, and social class of utmost importance in the creation of this identity. Childbearing and career take center stage as the individual tries carving out a certain style of life for themselves, which in turn helps to build an identity. An example of the early adulthood stage is one being amongst engineers due to his education as an engineer. An example in middle adulthood is one mingling with other mothers because she is a mother.
2 Explain how interpersonal relationships, including those from family and school, experience growth from childhood to adolescence to early and middle adulthood. Include a relevant personal example for each stage.
Interpersonal relationships are basically the social linkages that are established or formed between an individual and others in their immediate networks. These might include friends, colleagues, or even lovers. Establishing interpersonal relationships is part of growth and development and is therefore worth being analyzed through the four main stages of growth and development.
During childhood, interpersonal relationships are formed as a result of interactions wit...
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