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Essay Instructions:
Compose a portfolio of imaginative, informative and persuasive monomodal and multimodal texts in the English and other curriculum areas and critically analyze and evaluate them for their suitability to be used for literacy instructions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date Part 1 Introduction This portfolio has been developed to present several meaningful model texts that can be used in Year 5/6 literacy classrooms. The selected texts represent three distinct genres: creative, comprehensive, and convincing. Each text relates directly to the strands of the Australian Curriculum and focuses mainly on aspects of English, Science, Health, and Physical Education. This portfolio will present several examples offering students the grounding they need to excel in these fields and become literate individuals. The first of these texts is a novel titled “A Thousand Pieces of You” by Claudia Gray. This was chosen because it is an outstanding example of a fictional genre (2014). This novel can be recommended for use as the object in the class while teaching skills such as narrative techniques in English. By analyzing this, the students can study different constructions of the main sentences, rhetorical devices, and ways of building attractive plots. By studying this text, students can develop better ideas for telling stories and sharing creativity. The second text is titled, “What Causes a Volcano to Erupt?” This information-explanatory text follows the science course objectives to a great extent. It analyses the process of volcanic eruptions into coherent stages expressed in technical language and accompanied by cause-effect relations. The ideas of this text allow the author to introduce students to the logical presentation of information and the usage of scientific terms, which would also help to develop content knowledge and language proficiency (Rafferty, 2022). Finally, the third among the texts is titled “How Washing Your Hands Keeps You Healthy” by Corey Whelan. This is a clear example of a persuasive text devoted to hygiene issues. There is concern about the issue of hygiene, especially at a time like now when people are struggling to contain diseases such as coronavirus. It is an excellent model of persuasive writing: the language employed is vivid and simple, the point of view is logically developed, and the structure is coherent. Reading this text allows students to determine how to build up an argument and present it reasonably (Whelan, 2020). These texts have been chosen and used in teaching because they suit the curriculum outcomes and bear the language features and structures crucial for success. Three of the Writing Genres provide a clear developmental framework for teaching narrative, explanatory, and persuasive writing and thus can be very useful in teaching literacy in Year 5/6. Part 2 Table 1. Summary of the Texts for Analysis Title of the Text Genre Curriculum Area Key Language Features A Thousand Pieces of You Imaginative Fiction English Complex sentence structures, figures of speech, narration, constructions of the main sentences, rhetorical devices, and ways of building attractive plots What Causes a Volcano to Erupt? Expository Essay Science Scientific language, building up knowledge of causes and effects, rational explanation How Washing Your Hands Keeps You Healthy Persuasive Essay Health and Physical Education Persuasive language, rational explanation Part 3 All the selected texts are specific examples of a well-constructed narrative, clear scientific information, and convincing strategies used in the texts. Written in simple language, they invoke key language features and structures for teaching purposes, so they suit creative writing, scientific writing, and health information content. In sum, they ass...
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