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Effects and Efforts to End Bullying

Essay Instructions:

Over 13 million American kids will be bullied this year, making it the most common form of violence experienced by young people in the nation. The new documentary film BULLY, directed by Sundance and Emmy-award winning filmmaker, Lee Hirsch, brings human scale to this startling statistic, offering an intimate, unflinching look at how bullying has touched five kids and their families.

Filmed over the course of the 2009/2010 school year, BULLY opens a window onto the pained and often endangered lives of bullied kids, revealing a problem that transcends geographic, racial, ethnic and economic borders. It documents the responses of teachers and administrators to aggressive behaviors that defy “kids will be kids” clichés, and it captures a growing movement among parents and youths to change how bullying is handled in schools, in communities and in society as a whole.

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Kelby Johnson is a 16-year-old teenage girl who was raised in Tuttle, a small class town in Oklahoma. In several instances throughout the movie, Kelby gets victimized because of her unique sexual preferences. Being a lesbian in a society that was exclusively against homosexuality put a target on her back in school and back at her home. After coming out as a lesbian, both Kelby and her family receive a completely different and strange treatment from the people surrounding them (Hirsch et al., 2012). Society treats them as outcasts because Kelby decides to go against society's cultural expectations and becomes a lesbian. Kelby is even subjected to physical harassment by boys, such as being thrown into a pickup truck's windshield, all because they did not like her being a lesbian.
The culture of sports is also exhibited in the movie. However, the environment in which Kelby operates at school, typically full of hatred from both fellow students and her teacher, forces her to give up her exceptionally talented and dearly loved sports. Despite these volatile treatments, respective authorities such as teachers and school administration are portrayed to give the issues a blind eye, further resulting in the intensification of the assaults. In response to expressing their support and protectiveness on their daughter, Kelby's parents try to persuade her to leave Tuttle, but she resists saying going would only make the bullies winners of the situation. However, the aspect of true friendship with some of her fellow students in school contributes to Kelby's prolonged stay at Tuttle, hoping to bring a chan...
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