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Models of Andragogy

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Assessment Description

Kolb's theory focuses on concrete experience and considers learning styles as residing along a continuum rather than an individual possessing only one style and, therefore, means of learning. The theory asserts that adults bring varied concrete experiences with them, and need guidance in applying those experiences since the ability to change the concrete experience is the nature of the experiential learning cycle. Other theories assert that adults need to take on the role of the person about which they are learning; this creates a more formulaic learning style and assumes this is how adults learn best. In this assignment, you will synthesize theories of andragogy.

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Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that synthesizes the theory of experiential learning with the Akin/Pearl/Clawson model. Include the following in your paper:
A research-based description of the theory of experiential learning.
A research-based description of the Akin/Pearl/Clawson model.
A discussion of how the two models, taken together, might influence the practice of andragogy.
A discussion of how these ideas influence your dissertation research.

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Models of Andragogy
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Models of Andragogy
Malcolm Shepherd Knowles, an American educator, introduced adult education or andragogy in 1968. According to him, andragogy refers to the science of adult learning. Knowles came up with various assumptions about adult learners. They include self-concept, readiness to learn, adult learner experience, motivation to learn, and orientation to learning. In particular, adults should be allowed to participate in planning and evaluating the instructions. In addition, the experience offers the basis for learning activities. Knowles realized that adults are usually interested in learning things that have a direct impact on their lives or careers. Besides, adult learning is not content-oriented but problem-centered. Since adults have passed the mature developmental phase, they take part in directing and planning their learning. The paper synthesizes the theory of experiential learning and the Akin/Pearl/Clawson model and shows how these two models influence the practice of andragogy.
A Research-Based Description of the Experiential Learning Theory (ELT)
David Kolb introduced the theory of experiential learning in 1984 (McLeod, 2017). The individual was influenced by the concepts developed by Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, and John Dewey. Kolb argued that people acquire knowledge through the transformation of their experience. The four primary phases of experiential learning include concrete experience (CE), abstract conceptualization (AC), reflective observation (RO), and active experimentation (AE) (Morris, 2020). Figure 1 below shows the cycle of Kolb’s experiential learning theory.

Figure 1: Phases of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (Source: /employees/centre-for-teaching-learning/experiential-learning/experiential-learning-theory)
In the concrete experience stage, learners are encouraged to try a new experience. The reflective observation phase is where students reflect on their past experiences from distinctive perspectives by considering multiple factors, such as the context, environment, stakeholders, and outcomes. In abstract conceptualization, learners integrate their experience into existing knowledge schemas, leading to the formation of a new concept (“Experiential Learning Theory,” n.d.). In other words, reflecting on the experience leads to the rise of new ideas or the modification of existing concepts, which makes an individual learn something new. In the active experimentation phase, learners hypothesize by trying to apply a new lesson to solve problems or make decisions. Students use the knowledge they have obtained in real life. Notably, effective learning occurs when learners undergo these four stages.
Lori Fewster-Thuente and Tamzin Batteson depict that ELT offers a solid theoretical underpinning that educators should apply to teach interprofessional competencies (Fewster-Thuente & Batteson, 2018). Based on Kolb, learning is an integrated process, and each phase is crucial since it mutually supports others. Adult learners can enter the ELT cycle at any stage and follow through with it logically. Different people prefer distinctive learning styles, which are highly influenced by a person’s basic cognitive structure, social environment, and educational experiences. Based on the ELT cycle, Kolb came up with four primary learning styles, namely diverging, assimilating, converging, and accommodating (Morris, 2020). Individuals in the diverging category prefer to watch and feel, those in assimilating like to watch and think, those in converging prefer to think and do, and those in accommodating likes to feel and do. Consequently, regardless of the learning type an individual uses, Kolb’s stages of ELT can be applied successfully.
A Research-Based Description of the Akin/Pearl/Clawson Model
Gib Akin interviewed sixty managers to understand how they learn. The results of his qualitative interviews showed that managers have six primary learning themes, including role-taking, personal growth, mentoring, validating, practical accomplishment, and anticipatory (Clawson & Haskins, 2006). Akin concluded that learning themes are usually action-oriented and not analytic or cognitive. Notably, these themes portray what individuals do when confronted with learning situations. In this scenario, let’s assume learning to be landing an airplane at a multi-runway airport. The pilot approaches the airport by considering all factors that might hinder proper landing, such as other airplanes, wind speed, and direction. In most cases, the individual would select the approach that one is comfortable with, is confident, and has used before to get effective and efficient results. As such, learners prefer using a learning method that they have tried before and are sure that it gives proper outcomes.
Gail Pearl and James Clawson reviewed Akin’s work and ended up with five primary categories of learners, namely role-taking, anticipatory, social, scientific, and practical (Clawson & Haskins, 2006). People in the social group prefer learning from others. They like to ask others how they should do things and are less likely to read books. In particular, social-oriented learning might lead to a mentor-protйgй relationship. Role-takers prioritize knowing duties and responsibilities for individuals in a particular job position. Based on their view, the world is a series of gowns and caps that determine careers, assignments, and jobs. Practical learners apply Kolb’s concrete experience stage. They take the risk and have high confidence in figuring things out by themselves. These people do not rely on the guidance of others and do not trust sociall...
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