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Educational Legal Codes: CEC44877 (Education Code), W & JC 18975 (Welfare and Institutions Codes)

Essay Instructions:

It is important for school nurse to know where to find state codes on which school nurse practice is based in California. For insight, go to the Official C.A legislative website and locate the following codes: CEC44877 (CA Education Code); H & SC 124100 (Health and Safety Codes); W & JC 18975 (Welfare and Institutions Codes). Briefly discuss the purpose and importance of subject matter found in three of these area?
References: www(dot)cde(dot)ca(dot)gov "type in district polocies"

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Educational Legal Codes
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Educational Legal Codes
One function of the government is education which is administered by the Department of Education through the public schools. However, the state has a sole responsibility of maintaining and operating the schools. Therefore, each state is required to provide a school system that will offer quality education to children. For states to direct and govern the education systems in their individual states, they have come up with codes that must be followed. These codes also give guidelines on what should be done and how. The state of California has come up with different codes under different spectrums that guide its education system. Some of the codes include Education Codes, Health and Safety Codes and Welfare and Institutions Codes.
CEC44877 (Education Code)
This code explains the qualifications of a school nurse and highlights his or her responsibilities in a school setting. The code states that for nurse to be allowed to practice as a school nurse, he or she must possess a valid registration certificate from the Board of Nurse Examiners or any other certifying body. This section of the code ensures that school nurses are qualified and have the necessary competencies to deal with school children.
Another section of this code states that the registered nurse is not authorized to offer teaching services he or she has completed the requirements that authorize the nurse to teach in an approved health program. This section bars the school administration from adding the nurse other additional roles that may make her not concentrate on her sole responsibilities of taking care of the children. This code is aimed to ensure that school nurses have the necessary competencies of ensuring safety of the children including the ability to notice child abuse and neglect.
H & SC 124100 (Health and Safety Codes)
Section (a) of this code requires that the administrations of both district and private schools that has children enrolled in kindergarten to provide information of these children to all the parents and guardians who have enrolled children in kindergarten. This code helps the parents and guardians to understand the types of children their kids are playing with to help their children understand them too. This is beneficial to the children as their parents will be educating them to understand other children who are not like them. Also, the parents may also help other guardians to understand their children too.
Section (b) of this code requires county child health and disability prevention program to reimburse school districts for any information provided to the parents and guardians. It also explains what should be done in case a parent does not apply for a waiver according to section 124085. This is to ensure that all parents commit themselves to have...
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