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Constructive and Destructive Conflict Management Research

Essay Instructions:

There will be situations that will be emerge in school nursing practice that requires conflict management skill. Discuss issues related to constructive and destructive conflict management? What are some steps that lead to resolution? Comment on personal attribute that contribute to successful conflict management?

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Conflict resolutionName:Institution:
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Management can be solved using different strategies, the deciding factor on which to use heavily relies on the nature of conflict at hand. One should analyse the dispute so as to choose the most appropriate method of solving it. Conflicts often result from opposition to one's values, or general interest. (Groeben & Kreß, 2014). Constructive conflicts refer to behaviours that are adaptive to the situation at hand. The conflicts usually involve functional issues. Destructive conflicts refer to the actions that escalate a conflict further. They are very dysfunctional and highly destructive (Groeben & Kreß, 2014).
Conflicts are a common phenomenon, especially in work settings. A dispute may involve team members, an organization, and its clients or even the boss and subordinate staff. In a nurse school setting, the conflict might arise between staff members, a nurse, and a patient or between different departments. In such a situation, it is vital that the conflict gets resolved amicably and in the right time so as to avoid fatalities (Killen & Smetana 2014). Various management skills need to be applied to manage the situation. Constructive clashes in a school nursing practice result in mutual benefits for the parties involved. For instance, a conflict between student patients and nurse over inadequate facilities might result in the upgrade of the nurse’s facilities (Killen & Smetana 2014). The benefits achieved will be mutual since both parties have a win. In the case of destructive conflict, the school nursing program might fuel a strike forcing the school to close down indefinitely. Both sides will suffer since everything will be at a standstill.
Several steps can come in handy in conflict resolution. Here are some that can apply in any conflict situation. Step one is to ensure you Identify the cause of the problem. More information on the reasons of the conflict makes it much easier to resolve. Step two involves seeing beyond the incident. Having a clear picture of the consequences they might suffer helps to ease ...
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