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OLTD: Qualities of Successful People, What are the Principles that are Critical to Success?

Essay Instructions:

Please watch video and then answer these questions. Answer them in full sentences and to your best potential. 
1. According to Gary Tuerack, what are the qualities of successful people? What are some examples he gives about how beliefs/expectations can hold us back? *
2. What does Joe Martin say are the four questions we must answer for ourselves? *
3. What is your purpose statement (taken from page 5 of your workbook)? *
4. According to Jack Canfield, what are the principles that are critical to success? *
Here is a link to the video - https://drive(dot)google(dot)com/open?id=0B2P-spu8bcv4YlVkdi1UZl90eFE

Essay Sample Content Preview:
1. Qualities of successful people - Gary Tuerack
Firstly, they do what they love and not necessarily what brings instant financial success. They pursue their interests no matter the cost. They are happy with their jobs and spend a lot of time doing them. Many people do what they do not like leading to poor performance. They are full of passion and give their best in whatever they do.
Secondly, successful people have a vision. Tuerack defines vision as the ability to see what does not yet exist. They envision their success way before it happens. He gave an example of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he won the Mr. Olympia for the sixth time. Schwarzenegger on an interview said that he wanted to become a Hollywood actor despite his accent and lacking acting experience. The interviewer laughed at his response, but he said he would do it exactly the way he did with body building. He had the vision to be an actor, and he made it eventually.
Thirdly, they have a positive Self-image. Tuerack points to research which indicates that everyone receives an average of eight negative criticisms for every positive one. People with a positive self-image can avoid the effects of negative comments. Self-image defines who people are and affects our actions. Individuals who make it in life develop a positive image of who they are.
To succeed one must overcome mental limitations. Our minds are conditioned to see limitations and give up without even trying. It takes people who overcome this mental limitation to bring a change. Tuerack provides an example of the Four-minute mile which was known to be impossible for humans to break the record. However, one man broke the record and the whole world marveled at his achievement. However, in the same year, 12 people broke the record. Still on, t...
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