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Education in the U.S from the Past to the Present

Essay Instructions:

imagine you accepted an internship at the central office of the school district in your county. Your first assignment is to prepare a 700- to 875-word report for the superintendent that connects the historical foundations to the current issues and trends in the U.S. education system.
Research and prepare a report that addresses the following:
Connects issues with important events and mandates
Explains the impact of events and government mandates on teaching and learning
Identifies current issues and trends influencing the U.S. education system
Explains the effects of current issues and trends on teachers, students, and families
Discusses whether any recent events have influenced your decision to become a teacher
Describes what you hope to contribute to the field of education
Your plan for keeping up to date on the latest trends and technological advancements in education

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Education in the U.S from the Past to the Present
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Education in the U.S from the Past to the Present
Beginning from the educational history in the U.S, it is apparent that the current educational issues and trends are connectable to the past. The multicultural country has constant racial and gender discrimination, creating inequality in education. Similarly, the government's struggle to provide quality education to its citizens for moral, educational, financial, and political purposes in the past has invited the current generation to technological learning, which became pronounced due to online classes during the pandemic. Hence, I plan to be a teacher with positive energy to keep the young generation on the right track of quality learning while keeping my knowledge updated.
The government had little contribution to education learning before American Revolution. The southeast had no public schools. With the beginning of democracy, Founding Fathers founded free education to promote better jobs, understanding of civic and unifying the diverse cultures in the U.S. to support the setup of public education; the government passed federal ordinances in 1785 and 1787 and devoted 'land grant' to promote funds for schooling. After that, Horace Mann began the "common school movement" in 1830 to spread education for all racial and cultural groups in the country. The increased migration and world wars created a more challenging environment for the government that became more focused on equality in education equality. However, in the southern part of the country, the segregation constitutions like Jim Crow raised conflicting situations in the learning sphere that resulted in the current exploration for equity in education in the U.S (Kober, 2020). Also, the foundation of quality education through 'land grants' and 'common school' resulted in a civilized, literate, and moral community with less racism in the twenty-first century.
Currently, the primary issue in education and learning in the U.S is a constant struggle for equity. From the American Revolution to today, the history of America shows that the racial, gender and ethnic conflicts have been a great consideration in the educational sphere. That is why the constitutions regarding segregation and girls' education have been an essential step in American history of learning. As they have raised severe social protests, the search for equity is still a prevalent educational issue. Besides, when Covid-19 began to hit humanity in the twenty-first century, the U.S was one of the most infected countries. Also, it was the time when technological progress in the west had made the world a global village. Hence, benefiting from the availability of the internet and smart devices, the government decreed online education for all (Allen, 2021)...
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