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Reasons For and Against the Relocation of People of Japanese Descent

Essay Instructions:

Task: Review Documents A-B to list reasons for and against relocation of people of Japanese descent. Be sure to cite your sources. Task: Review Document C. Given that the store owner's identity is Japanese American in Document C. Write a 5+ sentence paragraph describing your experiences.  Do you think the United States needed to apologize and pay reparations for their treatment of Japanese Americans during World War 2? Should freedom be sacrificed in the name of national security? Construct an argument using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing views.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Task: Review Documents A-B to list reasons for and against the relocation of people of Japanese descent. Be sure to cite your sources.
FOR Internment

AGAINST Internment





The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese forces on December 7, 1941, created suspicion among the government of Americaabouto all Japanese aliens

Japanese relocation during world war 2; National archive

* Congress did not authorize the relocation

Confinement and ethnicity:an overview of world war 2 Japanese American

* Before the outbreak of world war 2, the federal bureau of investigation had identified Japanese aliens who were suspected to be a potential enemy of the agent and had already been kept under surveillance

Japanese relocation during world war 2; National archive

* The entire evacuation was unconstitutional and a violation of American civil rights

Lordsburg internment pow cam: Historical society of Mexico Smithson institute

* Dewitt, the leader of the western defense command, accused people with Japanese decency of sabotage, such as damaged power lines

Japanese relocation during world war 2; National archive

* This was the encouragement of racism and discrimination against Americans.

Japanese-American incarceration during world war 2,2022, Jan 22


* The Japanese Americans had not shown any disloyalty to America

Japanese relocation during world war 2; National archives


The evacuation was not related to military necessity in any way.

Relocation sites J.Burton, F. Lord and R. Lord

—--------------------------------------- Section 2 —---------------------------------------
Task: Review Document C. Given that the store owner's identity is Japanese American in Document, C. Write a 5+ sentence paragraph describing your experiences.
Short Story

Title:Loss Of Financial Stability

I'm the third generation of my family to be in America. I was born here and thus an American citizen by birth. Had been a resident of the west coast since my childhood. I had a store where I sold groceries and cereals. On 1942, March 29, I received the news that Dewitt had issued a
The public proclamation that all Japanese Americans had to evacuate the west coast area and be detained. On the 1st of April, we were carried together with other people and taken to an internment camp in California forcibly. We left our belongings and businesses with no one to care for them. There waof s no hopes prof proclamation the lost busaapappealealppealing for the return of the properties. In the camp, we would struggle to obtain work, and we were paid very little money. We were living from hand to mouth.

—--------------------------------------- Section 3 —---------------------------------------
Task: Review Documents D-E to complete the following prompts.
Summarize the majority opinion in 1 sentence

It is constitutional for the government to relocate people based on their country of origin during times of war.

Summarize the dissenting opinion in 1 sentence

It is NOT Constitutional for the government to relocate people based on their country of origin during times of war.

Which opinion do you most support?
(You should have a thesis with at least three supporting details)

It was unconstitutional for the government to relocate people based on their origin during the War. A country may attack another due to some specific reason which may be justifiable or unjustifiable, which may result in war and rivalry between the two countries. Such insecurities and threats should not be solved by taking the freedom of any citizens. Every citizen has the freedom of movement, expression, and speech, and detaining them will be violating their civil right of freedom of movement. A person can only be detained if there is proof that he has committed a crime or is a threat to national security upon trial in a court of law retaining them because of a crime committed by their country of originating violation of rights. All citizens should be treated equally with no discrimination from some; detaining people of a particular origin is practicing and encouraging racism in a country and should be unheard of.

—--------------------------------------- Section 4 —---------------------------------------
Task: Review Document F to complete the following prompt.
Do you think the United States needed to apologize and pay reparations for their treatment of Japanese Americans during World War 2?
(You should have a thesis with at least three supporting details)

After the Japanese were released from the relocation camp, Americans were supposed to apologize and pay reparations for how they treated them during World war 2. This would be one of the ways to make the Japanese Forgive them and solve the rivalry between the Japanese and American, preventing more attacks in the future. There was a need for Americans to pay reparations to the Japanese victims to help them recover some of their lost belongings or enable them to start life afresh without much. Most Japanese were loyal to the American government and had no mistake. These Americans owed them an apo...
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