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Early Childhood Education and Care

Essay Instructions:

Question 1

The Education Care Services National Regulations 2011 – PART 4.3 – Section 103 stipulates that all equipment and furniture should be safe and in good repair

a)     Give 5 examples of hazards concerning equipment or furniture that you would consider to be potentially harmful to children in your care. Eg- broken leg on a chair

 b)    To whom would you report potentially harmful equipment or furniture?

 Question 2 to Question 3 are related to the link to the following Youtube clip. Your learner guide will also be of assistance as well as the weblinks attach here to your questions.

Watch this clip: safe & healthy  environment by mrs childcare. 

Please use this link :- http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=5ug_mbeyATc

 Question 2

In this clip, it is indicated that cleanliness plays an important part in keeping an environment safe and healthy.

Refer to your service policies and procedures; indicate steps that are taken to ensure that cleanliness is consistently maintained or refer to ‘Staying Healthy: Preventing infection diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services (5th edition) 2013 

 Question 3

Allergy awareness and special dietary requirements for individual children is an important part of your role as an educator. Allergy reactions can trigger asthma and/or anaphylaxis signs and symptoms.

 a)     What are the common allergies that have been mentioned in the video above?

 b)    Can you think of other allergies that young children attending a children’s service might suffer from? Consult www(dot)allergy(dot)org(dot)au if unsure

List a minimum of 3.

  c)     Get up & Grow http://www(dot)health(dot)gov(dot)au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/phd-gug-child-familybook provides some great information in the section Healthy Eating, which may also be contained in your service policies and procedures.

Use these to determine how is allergy awareness and special dietary requirements shared among educators, parents and children? 

 Detailed six(6) effective strategies that can be put in place to achieve this purpose – 2 strategies for educators, 2 for the parents and 2 for the children.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Early childhood education and care

Task one
Question 1
According to Walker & Miller (2013), identifying the risk that may face children and teenagers is necessary to avoid harm and maintain healthy safety environments.
Examples of hazards concerning equipment or furniture
Loose and protruding screws.
Unstable joints and legs that may cause instability.
Furniture that has narrow bases is potentially harmful as children may jump on them and this may cause toppling.
The surfaces of furniture need to be regularly cleaned as dirty surfaces are a health risk.
The shelves and drawers are safety risk especially when they are not bolded as are also high in length.
Reporting about potentially harmful equipment or furniture

I would report to the management as they are better placed to take immediate and most appropriate action.
Question 2
According to NHMRC (2013), using detergents to ensure cleanliness is one of the strategies to improve cleanliness, rinsing with clean water is necessary, and at the same time removing gloves and washing hands is crucial.
The fist step is to inspect the rooms to ensure that there are no unpleasant odours, while also checking that there is adequate aeration and ventilation
This is followed by an inspection of windows and floors, and if they are not cleaned satisfactory, then there is a need for cleaning
All the equipment in the room are then cleaned and wiped, and if any needs repair they are sorted out from the rest
There is also need to ensure that there are enough soaps or detergents, and none of the persons is allergic to the smell of soap.
It is necessary to empty the baskets before trash overflows.
Overall cleaning ought to be done regularly care service ensures that environments are safe and healthy
Question 3
Common allergies
Food allergies are a public health concern, and are the immune system’s reaction to foods or food groups. After identifying the causses of food allergy, avoiding these foods is the most effective strategy. The people handling children need to put in place, measures to avoid allergic reactions, whereby peanut and egg allergies are common (Mrs. Childcare, 2010)
Other allergies
According to allergy.org (n.d.) children may suffer allergy in reactions to Wheat Cow milk protein dairy, shell fish and other sea food.
Question 4
Children typically adjust to a change in environment better, if there is open communication and their parents are proactive in facilitating transition. In cases where children require my services, I would try to find out the previous and current experiences with similar services. Hence, partnering with the families makes it easier for the children to feel comfortable about childcare services. In other words, I would be open to new ideas, while also maintaining mutual respect with the parents. In any case, cultural competence and responsiveness to children needs is necessary to improve provision of childcare services.
Effective strategies put in place to achieve to achieve intended purpose
Strategies for educators
Educators can rely on cases study to make their point about the importance of maintaining nutritional requirements and ensuring there is allergy awareness.
Educators can also support and promote awareness through encouraging parents to adhere to food safety and dietary requirements as they are typically the primary care givers to children.
Strategies for parents
Parents need to check for the nutritional content of foods and corroborate this information to ensure that there is no allergic reaction by first consulting doctors on the best food combination.
In order to improve awareness, there is a need for parents to be aware about nutrition and diets, as they ought to be able to choose the best food choices in each food group.
Strategies for children
One of the most effective strategies is through engaging children as their participation ensures that they have a positive given that it is possible to develop healthy service. These engagements involve games and texts, where the main focus should be on the individual needs of children where possible, since children have different emotional needs.
The school environment provides opportunities to influence learning, where integrating playing, learning and activities outside the classroom raise awareness about healthy foods.
Hence, maintaining food safety is one of the aspects that can be emphasised in the classroom, and especially washing of fruits as well proper washing of hands before taking meals, with classroom demonstrations essential to encourage the children to be more mindful of safety and health.
In order to improve knowledge retention on health matters it is necessary to identify the safety needs of children as this would make it easier to improve the children wellbeing. Hence one of the strategies to be relied upon is to implement safety practices in settings where there are parents and the children. At the same time, it is necessary to develop strategies that foster relationships between the children and their parents through encouraging parents to be more proactive in their approach (Walker, Miller & Tansey, 2014). Overall, conducting health assessments, and maintaining safe environments are crucial to promoting the wellbeing of the children.
Question 5
Australia experiences some of the most dangerous exposure to ultraviolet radiation because i...
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