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At What Point Does College Education Become Less Than Desirable Due to Its Cost

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At what point does a college education become less than desirable due to its cost?


College tuition is in constant continuous rise in the United States. The rise in tuition varies from state to state a and from the two years public school to the four years private school in the United State, causing a heavy burden on students and parents. The four years private universities have double their tuition since 1980 while the tuition in 2 year community colleges increased by 50%. Still one cannot tell at what point this escalation of the tuition is going to become less than desirable.

College tuition costs, as well as room and board, are increasing dramatically. “Tuition and fees at community colleges are up 24 percent more than inflation over the past five years, according to a new College Board survey. Which cost for in-state students an average $3,131 for a two year public college to an average $8,655 for a four-year schools in their state. Private four-year schools are the most costly colleges $39,518 for all expenses.” (Elliot, 2013).

The increase college tuitions some said is due to the increase of federal assistance which has enabled colleges and universities to raise their tuitions. (Bennett, 1987). Others claim that the colleges and universities were too simply forced to increase their tuitions the state subsidies for education decreased deeply because of the recession. But how about the private colleges they don’t get state subsidies, they increased their fees.

Let’s not forget that colleges have become top high tech buying new computers, creating fancy academic laboratories, hiring more experienced professional teachers and others support staff. All these innovations contribute to the tuition climbing. One may said that the colleges need all those prestige for higher and competitive formation of students for the readiness for today workforce.

The increase of college tuition can be also related to a higher demand in enrollment rate because since the institutions have limited places for an exact number of students their have to raise their fees to a certain level to limit the accessibility. Still with high tuition the enrollment increases. This increase in demand of college is mostly due the expectation of a better paying job than the job with a high school diploma after graduation. Which is not always the case when compare the in job training with the high school diploma experience and sometimes the college graduate entry level earning. (Belkin, D., 2014). 

In a long run with these tuitions keeping increasing, students may not be able to pay for college. Colleges will start noticing large drop up and less new enrollment rate. This may inflict a downward side like colleges starting laying off teachers and some staff members they cannot longer afford, some colleges may be close down for insufficient enrollment. The economical implication in the work place will result on the fact that there will a lack of qualified workers in the industries which in consequence will perform slowly and poorly.

As to know when this inflation in tuition will be just enough? Never. As long as someone will accept to pay the price, college tuitions will keep going higher. 


Belkin. D. (2014, September4). For Some Graduates, College Isn't Worth the Debt. The Wall Street Journal. Web retrieved: http://online(dot)wsj(dot)com/articles/for-some-graduates-college-isnt-worth-the-debt-1409803261?mod=ST1

Bennett. W. (1987, February 18). Our Greedy Colleges. Opinion in the New York Times. Web retrieved: http://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/1987/02/18/opinion/our-greedy-colleges.html

Elliott. P. (2013, AUGUST 13). College costs keep rising faster than inflation, survey says. Retrieved on October 30, 2014 from: http://www(dot)csmonitor(dot)com/Business/Latest-News-Wires/2013/0813/College-costs-keep-rising-faster-than-inflation-survey-says

Oliff. P., Palacios. V., Johnson. I, & Leachman. M. (2013, March 19). Recent Deep State Higher Education Cuts May Harm Students and the Economy for Years to Come. State budget and tax. Web retrieved from: http://www(dot)cbpp(dot)org/cms/?fa=view&id=3927

Essay Sample Content Preview:

At What Point Does College Education Become Less Than Desirable Due to Its Cost
At What Point Does College Education Become Less Than Desirable Due to Its Cost
For the last three decades, the state of education in the United States has been a subject of discussion among scholars. This debate has been occasioned by the constant rise of college tuition in the nearly all the states. Since the early 1980’s, the cost of housing, food, and transport for students attending public schools within their states has been rising steadily. This has been the case despite President Barack Obama accenting to the law that allowed students to pay lower interest rates on their loans. Although students are more than willing to meet the high cost of tuition at the present, the signs indicate that college education will become less desirable in the coming days due to the constantly rising cost.
According to Philips Elliot (2013), the tuition cost of the public two-year schools experienced a 6% rise in 2012. This placed the total tuition cost for students attending in-state schools to over $10,000. According to analysts, this rise was nearly 25% above the overall inflation rate. The same case was witnessed in the public four-year category where the tuition fees went up by an average of $8,655. The costs in these two categories were further exacerbated by the housing and food costs, as well as other costs that students incur during their period of study. These costs are even higher for students who choose to study outside their states with estimates showing that the average increase for such students was $30,911.
According to Phil Oliff et al, (2013), students are likely to experience a bigger strain in the coming days as states are preparing to present further cuts on higher education. With the rising cost of tuition, students have been forced to dig deeper into their pockets to meet the difference. The decision by the states to cut spending has led to a compromise in the quality of education as most areas have gone without funding. This has seen most students who are keen on getting quality education troop to private schools where the quality of education is believed to be adequate. This has brought an even bigger strain on the students and their families as the tuition cost in private schools is higher than those in public schools (Oliff, et al, 2013).
Although the decrease in government funding has led to an increase in the tuition costs, the main reason for this increase has been the decision by learning institutions to invest in current technologies. The higher demand in the enrollment rate has also been linked to an inc...
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