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Historical and Communication Issues Impacting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Essay Instructions:

this assignment is for diploma course in children services for Australia state Queensland please make sure that you answer the question find the attached form and use the books and websides provided in the instruction form. plus additional sources and the two text books called the early childhood educator for certificate III Mc Graw -Hill Education Community Services, by Lorraine Walker . And the early childhood educator for Diploma by Lorraine Walker very importand they compolsory books also importand are the websides : Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG) and Continua of Learning and Development


Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)


Guide to the National Quality Standard (NQS)


instruction see attached form

Dear writer part 4 link or question 4 link is maybe not opening here is the fixed link for part 4, http://www(dot)qcaa(dot)qld(dot)edu(dot)au/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_build_relationships.pdf

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Institution Due Date
Examine the history and first inhabitants of your centre’s area. State your findings in 100 words and make clear reference from where your information was sourced and provide details of person/s contacted.
The first inhabitants of the area originated fro England in the early 20th century. Commonly known as the ill family, they developed the land and made an estate, which had the sewer line at the time within the area. They also made efforts to name the streets. They were among the first to settle in the area and much for the developments that came up after, were established on what was already a family land, build into a community setting. Today there still remnants of the family in the area and the many developments that came up during their time in the early 1950s (Qld.gov.au, 2014).
Also research what other cultures are mainly present in your community and present your findings in another 100 words.
One of the most outstanding cultural aspect relates to the language in the area, where English is the most common language, with other people using other languages. There are several religious groups in the areas making the community multicultural. Among the most common religions in the area are Islam, Catholics, Lutheran and Anglican. There is also a Buddhist temple that was build in the early 1990’s. The area is inhabited by quite an array of people with diverse backgrounds most of whom have moved from various parts of the world, such as Africa, America, Asia, south Africa, Ireland and Canada.
Part 2.
From your research above please answer the following:
Identify the main language/s that is currently spoken in this community.??
What other languages are being used by families that attend this children’s service ( Arabic, Urdu, Farsi,Hindi,... , work colleagues ( German , Urdu, Hindi, Arabic ) and the wider community?
Identify and reflect on the historical issues that could still be impacting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in today’s society. Summarise your findings in 300 words.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander have had some very momentous interactions in the past some of which have had massive influence on the community. Some of the issues that were experienced in this two communities brought about divisive politics and prejudices that affected the entire community and their unity. Reconciliation was later crafted and integrated into the constitution to reduce friction between the two communities. This elicited the push for the right to vote, equal rights for the two communities, equality on the wages and the right s to own pieces of land (Australiancurriculum.edu.au, 2014). The aboriginal minorities had been discriminated against for quite a long time throughout the history of Australia. Most of them were treated as third class citizens with very minimal rights and privileges. The islanders on the other hand were treated with a lot of respect and most of the administrative functions were given to them as they were seen as the advanced persons in the society (Reconciliation.org.au, 2014). This therefore created a rift between the two communities and it was not until the 70s that the minorities were taken as equals and their rights recognized officially. These issues have been at the core of how the people from the two communities interact with one another owing the historical development that befell the nation in the early years (Korff, 2014).
An important time in our Australian History was made when Kevin Rudd the Prime Minister of Australia made an Apology to the nation. Research when this occurred and explains what Mr Rudd was apologising for?
It was in 2008 on February the 13th, when the prime minister of Australia at the time called Kevin Rudd, apologised to the aboriginal community, for the kind of mistreatment that they went through with close reference to discrimination in the society (Australia.gov.au, 2014).
Part 3.
Diversity is reflected within every culture; as Educators we need to understand the identity and diversity of different cultures.
Explain in your own words three (3) differences between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
The aboriginals believe in the power of the spirits, elements and the earth and the dreamtime stories feature the serpent as the protector and creator of land. The islanders feature worriers, the stars and skies. Majority of the aboriginals speak Parma-Nyungan language while the Islanders speak mostly Meriam Mir, and Kala Lagaw Ya. The aboriginals are also the native Australians making them indigenous, while the Islanders came in later and were mostly farmers, seafarers and traders.
Part 4.
Write an Acknowledgement of Country unique to your children’s service. An example has been provided below.
[Acknowledgement of Country] says … “ that we accept the fact we are in a place that has a history and story far beyond 220 years. It says to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander fellow Australians that we are all in the future journey of our country together.”
Richard Wynne, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, 2010
(Use the format provided in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children: Starting points resource.
Queensland kindergarten, accepts the fact that the land that our school is build, has a history that spans more than 220 years. It says that the students and the community around should understand and appreciate the aboriginals and the Islanders have important values. It says that the children and the community should understand and appreciate the languages, heritage and the various cultural practices by the two communities. The children should develop specific skills to be able to interact with the indigenous people.
Read the information at the following links.  HYPERLINK "/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_build_relationships.pdf"/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_build_relationships.pdf
Starting Points Resource:  HYPERLINK "/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_starting_points.pdf"/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_starting_points.pdf

Assessment 2 Task 2
Part 1.
(a) Describe in detail three (3) ways you could create an embracing environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families in your service.
Creating a cultural ceremony that would involve the two communities. It is important that the different parties understand the differences that exist between their practices and beliefs. The only that the parties can understand these differences and create an environment that supports mutual respect, is through actual interactions. The interactions will not only give the parties realise the differences that make them unique, but, will also be a chance to show the different participants that there are also similarities that common are among them. This will help them come above their differences and use this as a chance to learn and appreciate their unique nature, which can be harnessed for prosperity rather than prejudice and discrimination.
Establishing mutual understanding and appreciation, by developing literature that shows the two forms of heritage to the nation. By documenting the various differences and the unique similarities, the future generation can be in a position to compare and understand in cultural practices. At the same time those that are in the community at the moment, ca have the opportunity to understand the society with subtle impacts. Cultural diversity breeds unique features that speak to the heritage of the entire society. When all these aspects are then documented, it means that the various practices are authenticated and preserved, which honours the various communities and their heritage.
Campaigning for establishment of a cultural centre. Once the various cultural practices and the unique feature of every other community it is important that there be a place where the future generations can see these revelations. Cultural centres do not just as strong community cohesion elements, but also popularise the communities in question. Most of the cultural centres in the world are renowned for tourists’ activities, as people across the world come to recognise and appreciate the differences. As such, the centres are meant to create a high threshold for tolerance and acceptance among the two cultures and even across the globe.
(b) Describe in detail three (3) ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and community members could work in partnership with the service.
Organise cultural events where the aboriginals and the islanders can take part. Ideally, the point behind the participation is to make sure that the children interact with the different cultural figures. These are people with authority in the community, that ca speak of the various values and practices of the society. This way, the children are educated on the various differences that exist between the communities and get to appreciate the subtle elements of heritage that have shaped the society.
Establishing educational tours and training for the children and the service. When the historical documentations are made available about the various aspects of the cultures that form the backbone of the two communities, the children get a vague idea of the same. Having he children visits some of the historically relevant sites and gets to understand the relevance of the different parts of the historical events; the impact is much greater and fluid. At the same time the children and even the community members can have the chance to appreciate and respect the differences.
Seeking employment as trainers at the institution; is one other option that the families can take, to participate in the service. Some of the prejudices that have scarred the society among these two communities run deep, sometimes with resentments. Having authoritative figures from either of the communities join the institution to offer training on the various aspects of the society that most people assume that they know would shed in more light. For the students and the society to appreciate the differences and the unique features of the communities, they have to understand the various developments that have taken place over the years.
This link may assist in your research:  HYPERLINK "/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_starting_points.pdf"/downloads/p_10/qklg_pd_atsi_starting_points.pdf
Part 2.
Identify and list six (6) of the communication issues that can impact on effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Cultural differences
Assumption and prejudices
Different perceptions
Emotional barriers
Language differences
Use of different signs and jargons (Smith, 2013).
(b) Identify and list six (6) strategies appropriate to develop and maintain effective relationships.
Developing positive attitudes in the society
Understanding and appreciating cultural differences
Respecting the different cultures and heritage
Building on the differences and similarities
Setting proper boundaries
Actively listening to either of the parties involved
Explain the benefits of collaborating with families and other educators and how the collection of information about each child’s needs, interests and cultural practices can be used to plan the service program (200 words)
Working wit the different community members is one of the most crucial aspects of ensuring the children understand and appreciate the differences in culture (Supportingcarers.snaicc.org.au, 2014). This is the foundation of a sober and united society, where all the cultures are respected. Where there are prejudices, it is important that the different faction groups are involved in the formulation of the solution. In the case of the service, it acts as the anchor to the various strategies that can be instituted in the society, through the children and their families. This means that, given that there are different children coming to the institution from the different backgrounds, the service can use this opportunity unite the people with lasting bonding. Other than the aspect of uniting the people of the different cultures, the service will also be in a position to meet the needs of the children, now and in the future (Australiancurriculum.edu.au, 2014). It is only through sharing in activities such as education that some of the prejudices that deeply enshrined in the society can be eradicated. This is due to the fact that, the institution offers a chance to learn and to share in differences with a common set of goals. As the people interact, they learn of their differences and learn of how they can live amongst one another.
You have devised six (6) strategies in b) to develop and maintain effective relationships with families of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander People.
Strategies are reviewed after being implemented to identify any differences, difficulties or misunderstanding that may have occurred. Document a discussion with your Director and list what steps would you take to ensure that your strategies are reviewed. (200 words) Include timeframes and who would be involved.
The success of the strategies is fully dependent on their applicability and the implementation process. As such, to make sure that the strategies in this case work out to the benefit of the community it is important that all the stake holders are put into play (Tyhoward.com, 2014). To make sure that the various strategies are implemented, the community elders, the institution management, parents and the religious leaders affiliated with the institution would all have a part to play. The community elders would play the most complex rol...
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