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Week 7-Discussion: Building Strenghts. Building Strengths and Peer Buddy programs

Essay Instructions:

Hello the order has two separate discussions. please identify them by the title.

Discussion 1: Building Strength

Perhaps one of the most profound statements in Ch. 7 of Exceptional Lives is regarding understanding students with emotional or behavioral disorders is under the photo on page 149. The statement reads “Each student with emotional or behavioral disorders has a unique combination of strengths and needs, and each teacher should seek out and build on those strengths” (Turnbull et al., 2013, p. 149).

Respond to the following prompt: What can you do as an educator to “seek out and build on those strengths” (p. 149)?


Discussion 2: Peer buddies

Review Box 11.3 in Ch. 11 of Exceptional Lives that briefly explains peer tutoring.

Read the following article :

Copeland, S. R., McCall, J., Williams, C. R., Guth, C., Carter, E. W., Fowler, S. E., & ... Hughes, C. (2002). "High School Peer Buddies A Win-Win Situation" (Links to an external site.)

Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(1), 16.

Research Peer Buddy Programs in other states.

Respond to the following prompts by Friday:

Compare and contrast the information you found with the information about the Peer Buddies program in Tennessee.

What do you see as the benefits of participating in a peer buddies program for students with and without disabilities?

How would you build interest at your middle or high school for participation in a Peer Buddy program?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Building Strengths and Peer Buddy Programs
Building Strengths and Peer Buddy programs
This paper contains two sections. The first section will address how an educator can seek out and build on the strengths of students with behavioral disorders. The other section will compare and contrast buddies programs in different states, look at the benefits of participating in peer buddies programs as well as identify how interest in peer buddy program can be built.
Emotional disorder refers to a behavior that simulates a student’s ability to pay attention in school, to be happy and to control their emotions. Each student with emotional disorders has a unique combination of strengths and needs. An educator can seek out and build on those strengths in various ways. First, the educator can help develop peer relationships that are positive. Teachers can do this by enhancing conventional structures that bring about a sense of classroom community. This will help students build interpersonal skills that are effective as well as promoting confidence in them. This also promotes the notion that every student has something special in them that is useful to contribute (Gilmore, 2016).
The educator can also ensure relevance in learning. Through this, the students are given an opportunity to experience the success of the school, and the relevance of lessons is injected in their lives. An educator can as well teach behavior management skills to build students strengths. Through these skills, the students are taught on how to reflect on their behaviors thus helping them manage their emotions. Another way to build on the strengths of students with emotional students is by dealing with depression. This helps students to understand and have empathy which fosters feelings of competence as well as building on social relationships. The last way in which strengths can be built is through coping with stress. This helps alleviate distress, and also students are taught on techniques to manage and reduce stress (Turnbull et al., 2013).
Peer Buddy Programs are programs meant to increase access to education through c...
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