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Week 7 Course Project: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Paper–Section 6

Essay Instructions:

Research a minimum of two references on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) from sources other than your textbooks.

Write a 900-to 1,200-word paper that includes the following about AD/HD:

Overview of the three types of AD/HD

Differentiated instruction

Research-based interventions (predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type)

Therapeutic interventions that are research-based (predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type)

Submit your paper consistent with APA guidelines by Sunday

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADHD is a mental disorder that continues over an extended period, that affects teens and children and can continue into adulthood. This paper will look at its causes, signs and symptoms, treatment and different types of ADHD as well as various research-based and therapeutic interventions on the predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD.
ADHD is a chronic disease that causes difficulties in attention and brings about difficulties in behavior control which is not felicitous to a person’s age. Before a person is twelve years old, the symptoms of this disorder begin to appear, and they remain for more than six months. Since it is a mental disorder, it causes problems in different settings. These settings can be at school, recreational centers and even at home. In children, the disorder can make them perform poorly in school. Although it causes mental impairment, many people with ADHD show attention to activities they find rewarding and exciting. The exact cause of the disease is unknown despite it being studied in children and adolescent (Tannock et al., 2018). It is often diagnosed in boys, but it is overlooked in girls because their symptoms are different from those of boys.
In adults, it causes more restlessness rather than the occurrence of hyperactivity. The condition can be challenging to tell when compared to other conditions. Management of ADHD differs from one state to another. Usually, it involves a combination of different elements such as medications, counseling and changing lifestyle. The disorder is treated using stimulants for at least fourteen months, but their side effects after using them longer render them ineffective. Though providers of healthcare accept ADHD as a genuine disorder in children, there has been increased debate by scholars about the real cause and treatment of this disorder (Ryder, 2018). ADHD cause disruptive behavior and poses various difficulties in marriages and academics. Its symptoms are difficult to define, but they must be present for six months to the degree that is greater than others of the same age
Three types of ADHD exist. They include predominantly inattentive (AHD-PI), predominantly hyperactive-impulsive (ADHD-PH) and Combined type (ADHD-C). There are various symptoms associated with ADHD inattentive patients. Their distraction rate and rate of forgetting things are very high. They often switch from one activity to another. People with this type of ADHD have difficulties in maintaining focus on a particular task (Becker et al., 2016). Also, when doing a particular task, they are easily bored after a few minutes unless the task is enjoyable to them. These people also have difficulties in organizing and completing a task. In addition to that, if they lose things intended to complete a specific task they always have trouble in completing those tasks. When they are spoken to they do not listen as well, they daydream, move slowly and the rate at which they process information is very slow. Lastly, they do overlook the details, and the following instruction to them is challenging.
ADHD hyperactive-impulsive type also has various symptoms. People with this disorder, talk nonstop, play with everything that they come across, Squirm a great deal and also sitting still while in school or when doing assignments is very difficult for them. These people as well, are always impatient and performing quiet tasks and activities is a trouble to them. Patients with this type of disorder also, have no restraint to their emotions which means they can utter quickly inappropriate comments and they do weird things without any regard to consequences. Lastly, these people have difficulties in waiting for their turn in any activity, and as well they interrupt conversations often (Bergey et al., 2017).
The last type of ADHD is the combined type (ADHD-C). It means that people suffering from this type of disorder portrays symptoms of bo...
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