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Differentiating for Diverse Students

Essay Instructions:

Utilizing differentiation strategies in the ELA classroom is vital in meeting the various needs of students and presents an opportunity to address individual personal interests, traits, and goals. Understanding how to differentiate for different learning, linguistic, and cultural needs will increase teaching efficacy. The goal of this assignment is to practice selecting reading texts to support diverse students in the English language arts classroom.

For this assignment, complete the “Differentiating for Diverse Students Chart,” appropriately selecting a reading text (fiction or non-fiction) for each student, and providing a 50-100 word rationale for each selection. The text should be engaging, culturally relevant, and selected based on the student’s unique learning needs.

In addition, in 100-150 words, describe a strategy or activity that utilizes the selected text to teach an ELA skill for each student. Rationalize your instructional choices, supported by one or more scholarly resource (which may include your text and the readings from this course).

Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Differentiating for Diverse Students Chart
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructors Name
Carmen, Kindergarten

English Language Learner:

Socioeconomic Status:

Native American/Pacific Islander




Reading Performance Level:
At 1st grade level

Parental Involvement:

Text Selection and Rationale
Selecting a reading text for a kindergarten student would require considering their English reading and speaking levels. In this case, Carmen's reading performance level is at her 1st grade. Therefore, the selected reading text would be a fiction storybook. Such would be a book rich in vocabulary, with sentences and paragraphs that are not too long. Kindergarten students are expected to read independently; therefore, a teacher must select the text carefully, considering the student's language competence. As such, I would select the Peter and Jane 1A text because it’s rich in vocabulary to enhance Carmen's language comprehension. The vocabulary is also complex enough to suit Carmen’s reading level.
ELA Strategy or Activity and Rationale
The ideal ELA strategy for teaching Carmen is to use a meaningful approach. Meaningful approaches are meant to teach the student with more meaningful and effective strategies (Akerson & Young, 2020).. Thus, the teacher should consider the context of Carmen's English reading level by sharing before and after learning activities. One way to ensure this, which is also practical in-class time, would be to have her actively participate in a shared reading activity. In this reading activity, she would choose a text from the storybook and read it together with the rest of the class.
Akerson, V. L., & Young, T. A. (2020). Why Research on Interdisciplinary Language Arts and Science Instruction?. In Interdisciplinary language arts and science instruction in elementary classrooms: Applying research to practice (pp. 3-13). Routledge.

Eduardo, 2nd grade

English Language Learner:

Socioeconomic Status:




Tier 2 RTI for Reading

Reading Performance Level:
One year below student’s 2nd grade level

Parental Involvement:

Text Selection and Rationale
Selecting a reading text for second-grade students requires the educator to go beyond the limitations of what's commonly taught in schools. There are plenty of books for children at this age, many of which are too simple for the child to comprehend. To find a book that would interest the child, I would be more mindful of what makes high-interest stories and books. Eduardo's reading performance is one year below his grade, and therefore, a simple storybook would be ideal for enhancing vocabulary comprehension. However, selecting a story that would further the child's growth in reading comprehension may be more advantageous. The book "The Water Spirit" was selected because it fulfills several conditions found in a good reading text such as diverse vocabulary. The text has a clear storyline and is rich with characters and sounds to make the story come alive for a grade 2 level reader.
ELA Strategy or Activity and Rationale
The ideal ELA strategy for Eduardo is to use the text to promote comprehension building and vocabulary enrichment. For practicing reading comprehension, I would select a passage that clarifies the main theme of the story using concrete examples from the first paragraph. The storytelling feature of this story is to identify "the water spirit" as a symbol of greed. Text can also be used to enhance vocabulary so that students have several ways to express themselves in writing (Akerson & Young, 2020). The level of vocabulary used in the story is fairly simple. Since the text is at a higher level, I would use it to stretch the child's knowledge of words.
Akerson, V. L., & Young, T. A. (2020). Why Research on Interdisciplinary Language Arts and Science Instruction?. In ...
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