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Elements and Characteristics of Three Inclusion Models

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

Part 1

Using the information in Chapter 10, you'll compare and contrast three (3) inclusion models by filling out the Inclusion Support Model Chart (see below). For each model, you'll describe the key elements and distinctive characteristics, examine the advantages and challenges, and discuss the resources needed to implement each model.

One-To-One Assistant Itinerant Consultation Co-teaching

Key elements and distinctive characteristics of model



Resources needed to implement the model

Part 2

Next, assume you've been hired by a school district to provide inclusion support to children with disabilities, ages 3–5. Write a two-page reflection essay on which inclusion model you might like to try and why. Discuss what it might look like and what skills you might need to acquire or already have that might help the model develop successfully—keep in mind that there's no one right inclusion model. There are a variety of ways to accomplish inclusion. The choice of models depends on the needs of the child, family, staff, and resources of the program.

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Inclusion Models
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Part 1

One-to-One Assistant


Itinerant Consultation

Key elements and distinctive characteristics of the model

A one-to-one assistant is a paraprofessional working under the supervision of a licensed professional to offer direct services to students with special needs.
The one-to-one assistant also offers direct support to children with disabilities, supports teachers, and gives teachers feedback regarding the children's special needs goals under their watch.
There are face-to-face interactions in co-teaching

Co-teaching model is where one teacher teaches while the other assists.
One is the primary teacher, and the other is a support system.
One can teach while the other observes.
There are face-to-face interactions in co-teaching.
There is positive interdependence.
The model is also based on individual accountability.

Itinerant-consultation model refers to a professional visiting a child’s classroom to offer consultations and support to the teacher or primary caregiver.
Itinerant teachers may also interact with children; their primary responsibility is to help caregivers or teachers identify ways of offering Individualized Educational programs (IEPs) in their absence.
Itinerant travel from one place to another to offer support and feedback to teachers


Special needs learn more through the modified input of the one-on-one assistant.

Co-teaching enhances teacher creativity, promotes collaboration, and energizes students.

Closely supports teachers who in turn support students.
Puts students’ special needs at the center to ensure that learning is always student-centered.


One-on-one assistants quickly get exhausted with constant interaction with special needs children. One-to-one assistance might fail to address the child's specific needs due to limited specialization. In most instances, one-on-one assistants are dropped.

Must be used infrequently to avoid missing out on student needs through grouping.
Teachers have to compromise and negotiate ideal teaching styles.
Demands extra teamwork and commitment from teachers.

Huge caseloads as one must engage both teachers, caregivers, and students periodically.
Tiresome, and one must move from one location to another to ensure that IEP needs are attained.

The resources needed to implement the model.

Students should be near teachers to aid interaction.
Special needs resources to aid communication and interactions.

Teachers’ toolkit for students with special needs is necessary.
Co-instructions and Lesson plan to aid both teachers’ preparations.

Questions that inform personal preparation programs.
Materials including special needs equipment where necessary for students.
Educational resources, including inclusive classroom resources.

Part 2
Reflection: One-to-one Assistant Model
Preferred model
Parents with special needs students view a one-to-one assistant as a vital part of their special needs educational journey. One-to-one assistant can report on a positive ac...
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