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Physical Education in Special Education Needs School

Essay Instructions:

Special education needs (send) school in Uk and physical education. The importance of PE In SEND school and PE structure. Primary school age

I would like someone to explain how physical education looks in special education needs school using a literature supporting it, teachers strategies etc. also how important physical education is in SEND environment.

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Physical Education in Special Education Needs School
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Physical Education in Special Education Needs School
Students with special education needs often suffer restricted participation in physical education compared to other conventional learners. According to Bertills et al. (2019), including these individuals in physical education has become a fundamental and common practice championed by national policies and international bodies such as the World Health Organisation because of the individual well-being and health benefits these students gain from the extracurricular activities. Experts have highlighted the exclusion among this group since the inception of the national physical education curriculum in the UK in 1992, leading to restructuring and integration of appropriate strategies for incorporating appropriate activities for these students over the years (Maher, 2010). This change has received widespread recognition from different stakeholders because of the various benefits they induce among this population. As a result, ongoing research has continued to explore the physical education context and other associated aspects for its continued improvement among the learners with special needs. Thus, this paper will investigate how physical education looks in the context of special education needs, the strategies employed by the educators, and the importance of these activities in the special education needs environment.
Diverse studies reveal that physical education in special education needs schools has become a fundamental component of their learning. According to Wilhelmsen and Sorensen (2017), many countries across the globe have made significant strides in affirming the critical role extracurricular activities play in the well-being of these individuals from an early age. As a result, physical activities have progressively gained recognition as necessary incorporation in the routine teaching of the special needs students to ensure they draw the associated benefits similar to their peers in conventional classrooms. This progress has seen the special needs schools make appropriate adjustments, including preparing their educators early through requisite training to ensure they understand the mechanics of integrating case-based and individualized activities with the learners (Bertills et al., 2019). According to Tarantino et al. (2022), it has led to an overall positive attitude among the teachers in these institutions, leading to differentiated instructions for the learners. The preparedness among the teachers indicates that physical education has become widely accepted in these institutions. Since teachers can easily tailor the different activities, including swimming, dancing, football, and other athletics, to suit the learners’ needs, special education cannot be underestimated or overlooked due to the students’ physical abilities. Thus, special needs institutions continue to advance the goal of integrating physical education into the daily learning of their students to benefit them in diverse ways.
Teachers use different strategies to ensure that learners with disabilities participate in physical education appropriately. For instance, Kelly (2019) indicates that educators embrace adaptive physical education strategies to ensure participation for learners with special needs. The primary goal is to understand and identify each student’s capabilities and modify the activities to suit their needs. They desist from excluding any individual from the activities but create an inclusive extracurricular program in this context. This approach closely resembles the inclusive teaching skills discussed by Bertills et al. (2019), leading to a competitive interaction among students as they challenge themselves against their peers. This aspect u...
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