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The Different Interpretations and Understandings of Values, Ethics, Morals, and Trust

Essay Instructions:

discuss the different interpretations and understandings of values, ethics, morals, and trust presented in the resources.
Respond to a variation of the question Marsh (2013) asked in her research, “For those of you who consider yourselves to be ethical leaders, what aspects of ethical leadership do you value?” (p.567).
How are you incorporating these into your understandings and practices?
What are your goals as a leader related to personal integrity, and how will they be evident in your professional plans/aspirations?

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Addressing Integrity
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Ethics is the study of what is considered right or wrong, or good or bad, by individuals and groups in society. Ethics training is designed to teach people how to make decisions in situations with an ethical component: situations in which some decisions, behaviors, or outcomes could be evaluated as right or wrong, or good or bad (Parks-Leduc et al., 2021). Parks-Leduc et al. stated that ethical training programs can positively impact ethical decision-making and that individual characteristics—both traits and values—also influence ethical decision-making. Since ethics and ethics training is complicated because the outcome may be beneficial to some people while detrimental to others, it is important to learn how to behave ethically and choose an option that will benefit everyone. As for me, when you act with integrity, you can go far. Moreover, it is impossible to succeed without it.
Meanwhile, morals are the behavioral standards that allow people to live cooperatively in groups. Moral refers to what societies consider to be suitable and acceptable. Morals may change over time, but they remain the behavioral standards by which we judge what is right and wrong. Morality is found in virtues, including reason (rationality), and achieves the ends of happiness, harmony, etc., through moral decision-making (DeTienne, K. B et al., 2021).
On the other hand, values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act in specific ways. Values guide human behavior. Values differ between individuals, as well as across cultures and periods. We must value our values.
Turning to trust, Blanchard (2013) stated that it is intricate. You work hard to obtain it, but it only takes a minute to break it. Trust is an essential element in a relationship and leadership. As cliché as it may sound but actions speak louder than words. People need to see trust in action more than in words. People also have different meani...
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