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Maintaining Ethical Relationships in the Workplace and Ethical Decision Making

Essay Instructions:

Part 1
In an article in this module’s readings, Oliver & Hioco describe Fisher’s six-step model for ethical decision making and provide nine sequential questions to guide you through application of the framework.
Select a situation you observed in an educational or workplace setting. The situation should not involve you directly.
analyze the observed situation occurring in the educational or workplace setting by asking and responding to the nine sequential questions presented in the article. In an introductory paragraph, describe the observed situation and the setting. Use the nine questions as headings in the body of your paper. Summarize your findings in a concluding paragraph.
Part 2
In the Johnson (2011) reading http://www(dot)sagepub(dot)com/upm-data/39590_Chapter7.pdf you read about three alternative frameworks for ethical decision-making:
a nine-step process from Rushworth Kidder,
the SAD formula developed by Louis Alvin Day, and
Nash’s 12 Questions.
Choose one of these alternative frameworks and apply it to an ethical decision-making process that you have had to face or will face. Walk through and answer the corresponding steps of your chosen alternative to illustrate the situation and your approach to decision making.
Submit Parts 1 and 2 in one document. Include an APA formatted title page, in-text citations, and a references page. Your final document should be between 3 and pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Decision Making
Department, Institution Affiliation
Course Code; Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Part 1
John, a physician at a large urban hospital, was asked to stay late when he was about to leave the office for a personal duty. John attends a one-hour clinic administration clinic on Wednesday at 4 pm. If he leaves the workplace by 5 pm, he can get home early and allow the nanny to attend to her children after school on time. During that specific day, john stood up to leave at 5 pm, but one of the clinic administrators asked him if he could stay for a few more minutes until they were done with their duties. John fears to say that he has to leave to relieve the nanny since he knows his colleagues will judge him for portraying poor work ethics.
What is the Issue?
John fears that his colleagues will accuse him of poor work ethics after explaining that he would not stay longer due to his nanny issues.
Why is a Decision needed?
Family activities such as picking up children from daycare, attending to parents, or accompanying a friend to a surgery consultation are time-sensitive and are essential, primarily when close people highly depend on you. Explaining family matters to colleagues can cause hostility regardless of how family-friendly the workplace is.
What are the Alternatives
John could either excuse himself by stipulating that he has another commitment or explain to his colleague the issue of leaving early to allow his nanny to pick up her kids from school on time.
What are the Potential consequences for each alternative?
By excusing himself and stating that he has another commitment, john will avoid backlash in the workplace. On the flip side, explaining to his colleagues the issue concerning his nanny will make him appear less ethical and selfish.
How likely or unlikely is, and valuable or adverse is each consequence?
Avoiding backlash in the workplace is likely when john states that he has other commitments to attend to without giving much information about the pledge. The consequence is valuable since it enhances privacy and respects personal boundaries. On the other hand, colleagues at the workplace are likely to judge john as a person with a poor work ethic by leaving to attend to other issues instead of focusing on his job.
Does each alternative comply with laws, policies, and standards of conduct?
In my opinion, each alternative complies with the laws and standards of conduct. By excusing himself and indicating that he had another commitment, john acted respectfully and requested confidentiality. He also established an information boundary that made any individual trying to cross it appear intrusive. Also, expressing the need for him to leave to allow his nanny to pick up his children at school complied with the laws and standards of conduct since that was the time he used to go to his job in the previous days, and changing his routine was inappropriate.
What are the ethical considerations in each alternative and consequence?
Excusing yourself and indicating that you have another commitment is more ethical and respectful due to the confidentiality involved in the procedure and reduces oversharing of information concerning your departure. On the flip side, oversharing information related to your departure with colleagues is not ethical since it might lead to a backlash in the wor...
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