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The AERA and NEA Codes of Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Pick two codes of ethics for educational institutions or professional organizations. (NOTE: You can use two from this module's readings, or you might want to choose others more relative to your work, such as the code of ethics from your own Department of Education.)

write a paper using APA citations to assess statements regarding the following, as applicable:




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Code of Ethics
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Code of Ethics
Code of ethics plays a significant role in educational transformation and growth. A code of ethics is significant since it sets specific ethical guidelines that educational institutions should follow. Code of ethics must be respected to ensure a successful transformation and development in education. Besides, the code of ethics must be enhanced to promote a smooth flow of operations in different educational engagements. Code of ethics can be classified as either value-based or compliance-based, depending on the professionals. It is necessary to focus on a suitable climate that would ensure the successful transformation and growth of the educational sector. It is significant to consider and understand the code of ethics in a smaller and larger spectrum. It provides educational institutions with a better chance of promoting social responsibility and addressing employee relations. Besides, it focuses on better ideologies and educational ethics, which enhances cooperation and high-quality knowledge. Every individual must consider ethical guidelines in educational ecology for a standardized educational system. Code of ethics may be different in the educational system; however, the main goal is to ensure successful engagement and compliance with other stakeholders. All educational stakeholders must also adhere to the established code of ethics to resolve possible educational challenges. Therefore the paper addresses the AERA and NEA code of ethics and comprehensively assesses how confidentiality, integrity, and research principles are applied.
AERA Code of Ethics
AERA code of ethics is classified as the major element in the educational system. It sets forth specific principles and standards that guide educational engagement and research (American Educational Research Association., n.d.). The principles guide all the professional activities among educational institutions. The guidelines are also essential since they constantly examine all the activities of the educational researchers. The code of ethics also provides educational guidance that is responsible for the growth of the educational system. AERA code of ethics is also guided by different principles such as research, confidentiality, and integrity. It is the social responsibility of any educational personnel to ensure that every activity aligns with all educational requirements. Besides, they must ensure a well-established framework that guides other junior personnel without any significant discrimination. AERA code of ethics is also significant since it addresses the educational personnel's key challenges. Besides, it allows different educational leaders to abide by established ethical standards. Any educational institution which considers the AERA code of ethics has a better opportunity for smooth operation and meeting expected standards. Therefore, it is essential to justify that the AERA Code of ethics adequately considers research, integrity, and confidentiality, leading to successful growth and development of the educational personnel.
Confidentiality is a key element that every educator must consider. It involves protecting key information from reaching unwanted authorities (Howe et al., 2018). It also ensures the effective transformation of existing ideologies privately without any party's alteration. It is a significant requirement of every individual in the educational sector to consider integrity. AERA considers confidentiality during educational research. It limits any possible challenge caused by poor information sharing in the educational sector.
AERA embraces integrity in all corners. Integrity is the adherence to artistic and moral values that guide individuals in professional activities (Cox et al., 2018). It is an ethical principle where every educator is required to be honest and respectful in all their endeavors; besides, they must consider any aspect that may jeopardize their moral values. Any individual who does not consider integrity in teaching and research adequately may jeopardize quality. Besides, they may also alter the key ideologies and standards in the educational transformation. All professional researchers must ensure trust and confidence. Therefore, AERA effectively considers the principle of integrity.
AERA code of ethics is also for ensuring that educational research is conducted within specific guidelines. It is the key requirement of every educational researcher to consider key elements such as privacy and legal standards in ensuring growth and transformation. Besides, they also ensure that the researched informati...
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