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Developing standards for classrom behavior senario

Essay Instructions:
Use this senario example: According to the research of Dr. Martin Haberman(Star Teacher,2005), one of the tenets of a successful teacher is pesistence. One of the most important questions we can ask as teacher is: \\\"I wonder what I might try next?\\\" For this scenario, imagine you are a frist year teacher during the frist week of school. All of your classes are doing well, except for the fifth period. This is the classthat comes to you immediately after lunch, and it is seemingly impossible to get them to settle down. There are 22 students in this class. Five of these students have mild learning disabilities. Your actions over the course of the next several days could determine the climate in this classroom for the remainder of the school year. 1. list steps you will have already taken up to this point. What proactive things did you do since the first day of school,which seemed to have worked for every other class except this one? 2. List sthe steps you need to take to get the class under control. 3. Individually, you will reflect on the classroom situation and the stepss you will take before school starts and during the first few weeks to ensure a positive learning climate. The reflections should be 1 - 2 pages
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Name Course number Instructor’s name Date Developing Standards for Classroom Behavior Scenario List steps you will have already taken up to this point. What proactive things did you do since the first day of school, which seemed to have worked for every other class except this one? Very often bad conduct in schools is attributed to students who may find it difficult to understand what is taught to them. These students have learning disabilities which are conditions that interfere with the ability to acquire, organize, retain and understand the use of verbal and non-verbal information. They are indicated by academic underachievement or by achievement dependent upon unusually high levels of effort and support. The difficulty in achievement may be evident in reading, written language, mathematics, oral language, organizational skills, social perception, interaction and perspective taking (Ministry of Education, 2011). Students that have mild learning disabilities can have their learning needs met within regular learning environments without supplementary special education. Such behavior would have prompted punishments such as time outs, moving around in the proximity of the students with persistent indiscipline, clapping my hands to make them settle down and speaking to them in a loud voice. These responses may have worked with other classes except for this one. In an unsettled learning environment, some of the mistakes would be teaching without using personalized techniques to cater for the children with learning disabilities (Randy & Daniels, 2010). Another mistake would be to accord attention to students that are continuously seeking attention through bad behavior. The effective way to deal with attention seekers is to ignore them and concentrate attention only on good behavior. Another mistake would be to argue or fight with power seekers. It is effective to remain fair and firm with such behavior (Piera, 2011). This behavior is indicative of psychological problems that the students may have as a way of responding and compensating for their inability to understand. It is important to address their special learning needs after setting the ground rules for the class. Steps needed to get the class under control. In order to restore order in the class there are several steps that may work. One of them would be to focus on the student’s behavior and offer a response with clarity and firmness (Rogers, 2009). This will communicate to the students that the behavior is unacceptable. The next step would be to communicate to the students about the limits of certain activities. For instance, students are not allowed to talk in class when the teacher is teaching but they may when undertaking a class activity in the presence of the teacher. The other step would be to provide the students a cost and benefit analysis of their behavior. The next step would be to rearrange the environment and have a teacher student conference for behavioral problem solving (Lopes, Mestre, & Guil, 2012). The next step is to set a code of behavior in the classroom. The teacher and the students set the code of behavior together. It should be written on the board or a l...
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