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The "Context Of Literacy Development" and Expectations and Appropriate Support for ELLs

Essay Instructions:

Write an concise essay in response to:
How can the "context of literacy development" (Brisk & Harrington, 2008, p. 11) affect literacy development with English language learners?
How can holding high expectations and appropriate support for English language learners help in literacy development?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literacy development is an important aspect of mental and physical growth. It sets the pace towards subsequent learning processes that one might or will encounter later on in life. It entails all the processes that involve knowing how to receive, digest, and send messages. Literacy development is the continuous ability to read and write (Stairs, Donnell, & Dunn, 2012). It usually begins right from the time one is born, the native language that one learns at first, all through the subsequent learning processes later on. Through literacy development, an individual eventually masters how to properly and effectively communicate with others.
Contexts of literacy development refer to all the elements that play a role or influence how an individual reads and writes. Context usually includes the place or setting, the purpose, and the type of message to be read or written. Context of literacy development usually affects literacy development with English learners since it affects the individual in question (Brisk & Harrington, 2008). A functional context where the learner is in a classroom setup will put the learner in a situation where there is no option but to be serious about it—a leisure context where entertainment and fun might influence the learner to take things rather casually.
This is not to mean that literacy development, especially in learning English, should only be from a functional or classroom setup. It just means that there is a need for the learner to put their mind into it, which is often affected by the context of the learning process itself. Considering that this might be a new language to the learner, it becomes even more imperative that there is more focus and that the context of learning is supportive to them (Brisk & Harrington, ...
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