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American Sign Language Beginner Lesson: Describing Fruits & Vegetables

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 3 : Lesson Plans  & Assessment Methods


Research has shown that observation experiences are more effective when one has had the opportunity to apply the information. This assignment is designed to help us to reflect on lesson plans and assessment methods based on what we have learned in our previous courses along with our observation experiences this semester.


• Reflect and practice writing lesson plans and assessment methods based on real-life teaching experiences.

Approaching the Assignment

While observing the host ASL instructor, take careful notes. You may wish to bring a blank lesson plan templates designed and/or modified from previous courses and/or borrowed from other sources or you may want to bring a set of questions to the observation experience. Remember that these questions are to help you to complete the assignment. Do not ask these questions of your host ASL instructor or expect him or her to give you a copy of his or her lesson plans. The goal of this assignment is to practice writing and reflecting on lesson plans and assessment methods – not to critique the ASL instructor or expect their involvement in developing the lesson plan.

• Lesson plans with all elements for each lesson should include:

o Lesson objective(s) (measurable by the assessment) Use Bloom’s Taxonomy if needed.

o Learning activities

o Materials and resources

o Assessment method (measures the lesson objective(s))

o Adaptations for diverse learners Cultural and/or linguistically diverse learners IDEA/504/ADA learning accommodations

You will do this assignment four times this semester. Remember that this is a lesson plan for one class – not for an entire day’s worth of lessons.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unit Plan - Title

Language and
Level / Grade


Approximate Length
of Unit

One week

Performance Range


Approximate Number of Minutes Weekly

120 min


Describing Fruits and Vegetable

Essential Question

How to demonstrate the various classifications of fruits and vegetables using sign language?

Unit Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to:
1. Produce signs related to common Fruits and Vegetables
2. Produce signs related to the various American food Cuisines

ASL Standard 1: Communication


Interpretive Mode

Video- fruit and vegetable

Different signs for fruit and vegetable

Watch Teacher video sign Food Cuisine

Presentational Mode

Interpersonal Mode

Students will present a skit in a group of 3-4 of a Fruit and Vegetable- What kind of fruit do you use to make smoothies?

Students will describe the various food cuisine, and pick the one that they like the most.

ASL Standards 2-5: Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities


Relating Cultural Practices and Products to Perspectives

Product: Making a smoothies
Practice: how to order the smoothies
Perspective: watch the video about how to make smoothies
Product: Order the Mexican restaurant
Practice: How to make the Mexican food
Perspective: Watch the video about how to make Mexican food.

(Sample Evidence)

Making Connections to Other Disciplines

Acquiring Information and Diverse Viewpoints

Exotic Food and Cuisine Food

History of fruits and vegetable

(Sample Evidence)

Language Comparisons
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