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Reading and Comprehension: The Tale of Despereaux

Essay Instructions:

Lesson Plan
Grade 3
Select grade section in chapter 3 to reflect the grade you are teaching or interested in teaching.
Within the grade you selected, select a topic to write a lesson plan with all the components in the template included.
Lesson Plan must include how you are going to include reading to encourage one of the forms of writing explained in chapter 3.
Lesson Plan Template 2022-2.doc Download Lesson Plan Template 2022-2.doc
Use Next Generation ELA State Standards.
For the lesson plan, please think about what you would use for assessment.
How will you know that the children understood the teaching point?
Think about self assessment or peer assessment. Would you have rubrics ready?
What is your role while the children are working independently?
Will you be circulating to make sure everyone is on task?
Would you consider working with a small group in need of extra support?

Essay Sample Content Preview:



SUBJECT : English


UNIT OF STUDY : Reading and Comprehension

LESSON TITLE : The Tale of Despereaux

3RF3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
3RF4: Read grade-level text with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
3W1a: Introduce a claim supported by details, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.
3W1b: Use precise language and content-specific vocabulary
3W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to explore a topic and convey ideas and information relevant to the subject
3SL1: Participate and engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse peers and adults, expressing ideas clearly, and building on those of others.
3SL4: Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace (NYSED, 2017).

The purpose of the content is to improve students’ capacity to read fluently using a broad range of identification strategies to draw meaning from the text, over and above, comprehend reading material sufficiently enough to remember, assess, and discuss critical ideas and events as well as apply and extend the same to other texts and real-life situations.

1 Read fluently and with adequate accuracy to aid comprehension
2 Apply a variety of word identification strategies to draw the meaning of unknown words
3 Discuss critical ideas and events and apply them to other texts as well as real-life situations

Relish, scurry, adhere, ominous, litter, indisputable, anxiously, endanger, perfidy, consort, repent, egregious, implications, dungeon, speculation, covert, beleaguered, access, and renounce.

* Students will be oriented to the lesson by engaging in a pre-reading activity aimed at supporting beginning and struggling learners in actively forecasting, engaging, and problem-solving the text for the first time. The instructor will ask learners to look closely at the mouse printed on the book cover before being invited to hypothesize orally about the illustration: Is there anything special you notice about Despereaux? What do you think he is doing with a needle? What are the expressions on his face, and do they reveal anything about him? The instructor will then solicit additional questions as well as responses from the learners.
* Some of the focus questions to generate interest in the topic and help learners focus on important aspects of the text include:
* Who is your favorite hero or heroine?
* What does it mean to be a hero or heroine?
* What are the characteristics of your favorite hero or heroine?
* When is it essential and not essential in the lives of learners or characters you are familiar with to conform?
* What are your thoughts and feelings about what it means to despair or be desperate?
* I will assess, review, or draw on prior knowledge by first reading to the class the first few pages of the text before thinking aloud to the class about the main characters and setting of the story. After the learners have understood how to make connections between the text and their experiences, I will pose the following questions: Is there anything about Despereaux that is like you? Is there any event in the story that is like an event you know about? Is there anyone in Despereaux’s family who resembles someone you know? Is there another story you have read similar to Despereaux’s story?
* The methods I will use to teach include reading aloud while stopping to teach the sounds of individual letters, sound blends, putting words in context, whole words, word parts, and present meanings. I will also teach reading comprehension by summarizing, retelling, or paraphrasing what I’ve read; making inferences to come up with hidden conclusions; comparing and contrasting characters or ideas; as well as sequencing events. I will introduce new material using graphic organizers, picture dictionaries, as well as word games to promote vocabulary comprehension as well as the development of reading competence and word identification.
* The skills, language functions, or procedures I will be modeling relate to phonological awareness, vocabulary, fluency, concepts of print, phonics, visual literacy, concepts of print, comprehension, and understanding of literature.
* The fi...
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