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Education Essay: Comparing Chinese and American Math Education

Essay Instructions:

Focus on Chinese & American math education and make comparisons between Chinese and American education.

Two texts needed(Will be attached.):

An, S. (2000). Mathematics teachers’ beliefs and their impact on the practice of teaching in China. ED 063 810

Sanders, B., et al. (1998). A cross-national comparison of fourth-grade mathematics instruction in the United States and China.


1. Gather demographic information (online websites are acceptable, such as Wikipedia) about the country, people, geography, and education system. (Use the two articles above)

2. Interview three students and/or teachers who had schooling in that country, have fluent literacy skills in the language and are familiar with the education system of that country. If your interviewees are limited in English, use their native language to do the interview and translate everything into English afterward.

- Need a clear transcript

- You can make up the interviews if needed

3. In the report, organize your reading and interview findings around the following three key aspects of literacy education:

Basic demographic information about the country and public education system, basic structure, curriculum, compulsory education

Social context of schooling: educational philosophy, cultural, family, and school traditions and expectations

Written language and literacy instruction as well as subject matter instruction: school structure, curriculum, assessment, standardized tests, teaching methods, and learning styles

4. Discuss your rationales for the interviewee selection, their cultural and educational backgrounds, bilingual/biliteracy skills and levels, and length of time in the US. Ask your interviewees questions about key aspects of literacy education (see above). Invite your interviewees to tell at least two personal and/or memorable stories of their schooling back in their home country.

In reporting your findings, cite your interviewees’ original responses (their actual words) and your articles to support and substantiate your findings about each of the three aspects of schooling (see above). Compare and contrast your findings obtained from the interviews, field observations, your teaching experiences and readings to synthesize your findings. Discuss the common threads/patterns emerged from different sources. Reflect on how this study has informed your bilingual subject matter instruction.

Include a reference list for all your readings, including the websites at the end of your report. Your report should be about five pages. Attach the transcribed key responses and stories from your interviewees.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparing Chinese and American Math Education
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Comparing Chinese and American Math Education
Reading 1: An, S. (2000). Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and Their Impact on the Practice of Teaching in China.
The aim of this study was to establish the beliefs that Chinese math teachers had and the influence of such beliefs on their teaching practice. The objectives of the study included recognizing the views of the Chinese teachers on the goals of education, examining the approach to teaching mathematics in Chinese classrooms, and investigating the mode of instruction that Chinese teachers use depending on the levels of students. Data was collected through interviews. The overall goal of the study was focusing on the essence of teachers’ beliefs and their effect on the teaching practice of teachers, as well as providing data and recommending ways through which issues can be identified and addressed in teaching mathematics in Chinese and American schools. The findings of the study showed that the beliefs of teachers of mathematics and the teaching practice help in shaping the way of instruction by the teachers, and social and cultural contexts influence the belief systems of the teachers.
Reading 2: Sanders, B. J., Parkay, F. W., Shen, J., & Xin, T. (1998). A Cross-National Comparison of Fourth-Grade Mathematics Instruction in the United States and China.
This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the various factors that are related to student achievement and performance in mathematics. The factors considered included cultural and societal influences, as well as school and student characteristics. The study focuses on the similarities and differences between American and Chinese teachers in regard to three areas; sense of personal efficiency in teaching math, perception on the capacity to improve the efficiency of instruction, and perception on the relation between student comprehension and lesson preparation and content delivery. The researchers randomly selected 79 4th grade teachers, with 50 being from the US and the remaining from China and involved them in the survey. Findings from the study showed that there are various similarities between U.S and Chinese teachers in regard to perceived effort, competence, and the essence of assessments and study materials for students to success and performance in math.
Interviewee 1
Interview time and place: the interview was held at Community City Hall 7 on 21st September, 2020, starting from 9:00am. All COVID-19 safety protocols were observed during the interview.
Interviewee selection: the interviewee was selected because she has been through both Chinese and American math education systems. She is also bilingual and understands and speaks both English and Chinese in fluency. As such, it was easy for her to experience the two systems in the best way possible. She is from Chinese-American family and has experienced both cultures; her mother is Chinese while her father is American. She went to school in China until the 6th grade and completed and joined college in the U.S. She is a mathematics and computer science graduate, and she has stayed in the U.S for the last 10 years.
Interview findings and stories; the interviewee argued that she ‘prefers the Chinese math education approach to the American’ because ‘the Chinese education improves memorization’. The interviewee was asked to choose their preferred math education system and justify their choice. She also added that she was more familiar with the Chinese culture than the American, and this informed her decision.
She also added that in regard to the four key aspects of literacy, the Chinese system focuses more on writing and listening, while the American focuses more on reading and speaking. The difference between the two systems is informed by their philosophy. This also shows why the Chinese system promotes gaining skills and memorization while the American system advocates application of gained skills in the society.
Interviewee 2
Interview time and place: the interview was conducted at Community City Hall 7 on 21st September, 2020, starting from 9:40am. Considering the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing was observed and both parties had their masks on during the entire period.
Interviewee selection rationale; the interviewee was selected because he has studied math under both the Chinese and American education systems. As such, he has experienced the structure and approach in both cases. He studied in China until his second year in college. He them moved to the U.S and finished his degree before pursuing a master’s degree in math. He has lived in the U.S for over 15 years. Both of his parents are Chinese, but he has had a taste of both cultures. He also has an outstanding comprehension and command of both languages, with a high biliteracy language level. She also has incredible experience with both systems.
Interview findings and stories; the interviewee argued that ‘the Chinese system mainly focuses on writing and listening’ while the ‘American system focuses more on reading and speaking than writing and listening’. He also added that he speaks more when in America than when in China because the American system requires a learner to apply their skills in the society. This improves their interaction with other people. On the other hand, the...
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