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Education Essay: Communication & Military Leadership

Essay Instructions:

this is a continuous to the previous essay

basically I would like to have the focus being on the lack of communication approaches between the leaders "old generation...dinosaurs and the young generation" within the militarily……

I am sure you can relate this to a civilian sectors as well...where changes have to take place and everyone must embrace it.....culture has to changed.....the do what you told approach vs given reasons and end states....

leadership being a collaborative style where juniors become inclusive in decision making process....

all this with out disregarding the military ethos.... you can talk just about everything related communication issues (old way) vs new way. I am online most of the time so please ask...

you can touch the war topic as well but not to the point making this and the next few papers becoming a conflict focused....I rather have them all sound more towards to culture, tradition....based in the militar

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Communication & Military Leadership in Context
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Communication & Military Leadership in Context
Commanding forces in 21st century is – should – not be about blind commitment to
mission accomplishment and success. The rapidly changing context of current and future warfare poses challenges – yet also offers opportunities – as to how commanders and subordinates should act in more resilient, adaptive and, perhaps most importantly, collaborative ways. To do so, commanders and subordinates should engage one another in numerous flexible ways in order to accommodate a growing number of warfare challenges decreasingly solvable in a conventional chain of command manner. In short, communication should, above anything, reign supreme as one most important professional issue commanders and subordinates should – must – embrace. This brief activity aims, accordingly, to highlight communication as an increasingly critical military profession issue by placing commander-subordinate relationship in a wider CF Effectiveness Framework and in accordance to major leadership functions.
Contextually, communication has, one firmly believes, a strong case in CF Effectiveness Framework (Department of National Defence, 2005, p. 9). Two dimensions only in CF Effectiveness Framework are, for current purposes, are of central interest: Member Well-being & Commitment and Internal Integration. This dimension
...signifies a concern for people and the quality of their conditions of service – everything from the effects of organizational policies and practices to opportunities for personal growth and development, from fair treatment by peers and superiors to the intrinsic satisfaction of one’s occupation and career [emphasis added]. (Department of National Defence, p. 20)
From a communication perspective, an organization showing concern for people and a constant


attention to quality of service conditions (emphasized above) is apt to reap considerable benefits beyond mission accomplishment and success. Specifically, by enabling/empowering subordinates such as to contribute in a diversity of ways to mission and, over long run, to develop leadership skills essential for future leadership efforts, commanders do build a culture of effective collaboration and, perhaps more importantly, a sustainable model of effective leadership within and beyond chain-of-command mandates. Moreover, Internal Integration
...signifies cohesion and teamwork. Cohesion (a sense of common identity with and attachment to others) and teamwork (the willingness to collaborate with others for the sake of a larger purpose) are force multipliers, making collective effort greater than a mere sum of individual efforts [emphasis added]. (Department of National Defence, p. 21)
From a communication perspective, cohesion and teamwork ( emphasized above) contribute immensely to greater outcome effectiveness. That is, by cementing commander-subordinate relationships in ways emphasizing collaborati...
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