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Synthesis Essay Education Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

In this essay, you will write a detailed synthesis essay that combines ideas from multiple sources to draw some conclusions about the three key characteristics of those who fight injustice. Write a Synthesis Essay I have already picked the 3 characteristics that I am going to use Loyalty, Persistence, and Kindness.

1) Minimum 1250 Words (5 pages)

2) MLA Style

3) 5 Classroom Resources


4) 1 independent research

Topic 1 Loyalty:

Wynona Ward

Robert Moses

Topic 2: persistence

Lucas Benitez

Jackie Thrasher

Topic 3: kindness

Rueben Martinez

John Walsh

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Synthesis Essay: Fight Against Injustice
The PBS LearningMedia compiled a handful of stories from the magazine, NOW, depicting the behavior of different local leaders they eventually termed as heroes. From the various resources, Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!: Robert Moses, Have Justice, Will Travel: Wynona Ward, Helping the Children: John Walsh, Power to the People: Jackie Thrasher, and Tomatoes of Wrath: Lucas Benitez, one can easily deduce at least three character traits of those who fight injustice; loyalty, persistence, and kindness. Aside from the stories from PBS LearningMedia, Sympathy for Pets and People from Mr. Lincoln & Friends is an alternative source to derive the values that just leaders portray. The different stories with varied protagonists of social justice showcase the character traits that collectively form the basis of a democratic and just leader.
Have Justice, Will Travel by PBSLearning Media narrates a story of a woman, Wynona Ward, who transitioned from a truck driver to a reliable domestic abuse attorney. Having been brought up in an abusive environment, with his father being the perpetrator of the abuses, Ward developed a robust negative attitude towards domestic violence and child abuse. Despite Ward going through unpleasant encounters that forced to become a truck driver to make ends meet, she remained committed to a goal of fighting domestic violence by any means necessary. Ward eventually found her way into law school and later founded the law firm Have Justice Will Travel.
Wynonna Ward is full of compassion and commitment, judging from her touching story. Another attribute demonstrated in her story is loyalty to her fellow victims of domestic violence and child abuse. It occurred that the perpetrators that compelled Ward to become an agent of justice were her close relatives, her father and her brother. Ward was not hesitant in making sure her kid brother was completely locked up in a cell for defiling a minor. She went ahead to forge her way into law school with the sole purpose of helping victims of domestic violence, even if it meant offering services for free. The story depicts lots of positive values, and Ward's loyalty to the victims is on another level, unwavering even for blood relatives.
Agitate! Agitate! Agitate! by PBS LearningMedia, is another significant story featuring civil rights activist, Robert Moses, who demonstrates utmost commitment and loyalty toward the minority group. Despite being a low-key champion of civil rights, Robert Moses actively participated in activities that helped liberate the minority groups from the unjust hand of the white supremacists. The Algebra Project that Moses started after clinching the McArthur Fellowship Grant attests to his commitment towards helping the minority through education that rationalizes social injustices.
Persistence, the act of having an unwavering determination towards achieving a goal, is another attribute that heroes of social justice are characterized with. Tomatoes of Wrath, a story from PBS LearningMedia, gives the details of Lucas Benitez's encounter with large first food corporations. Benitez, a member of the low-waged tomato pickers in southern Florida, narrates their determined pursuit for higher wages despite the numerous threats, oppressions, and assaults from their employers. Their persistence not only earned them increased wages but also marked the end of the modern-day slavery that was deeply rooted in the southern Florida tomato farms.
Power to the People from PBS LearningMedia gives a rather interesting life story of a social justice fighter who was not only compassionate but also persistent. The story is about Jackie Thrasher, an experienced elementary school music teacher who after learning of the injustices in the education system made a bold and almost impossible decision to run for a post as house representative for Arizona. Trasher tried and lost the election twice before clinching the seat in the third round despite having run out of campaign funds. Th...
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