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Education Essay: Classroom Management and the Inclusive Classroom

Essay Instructions:

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Disruptive behavior and misbehavior can occur in any classroom. If a teacher understands the needs of the student, the effect of the environment on the student, and identifies behavior patterns, it is easier to identify ways to provide support, reinforce positive behaviors, redirect behavior, and prevent a disruptive behavior from occurring in the future. The use of PBIS and other research-based strategies can be used to address and manage behavior and can create a learning environment that is safe and encourages students to engage in meaningful learning and interaction.

Complete the “Classroom Management Matrix.” When conducting research and selecting example behaviors, focus on students in the grade band relevant to your field of study. Include causes and strategies for addressing misbehavior or disruptive behavior in the inclusive classroom. Complete both the chart and the narrative.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Classroom Management and the Inclusive Classroom
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission
Classroom Management and the Inclusive Classroom
Examples of Misbehavior or Disruptive Behavior

Potential Causes of Misbehavior or Disruptive Behavior

Misbehavior or Disruptive Behavior
Classroom Management Strategies


A scenario where students are distracted, daydream in class, look out of the window, and thinking about irrelevant things that have nothing to do with classwork (Grossman,2003). It arises from stress, illness, family problems, sleep deprivation, attention hyperactivity disorder, lack of motivation, traumatic events, and self-efficacy.

1 Letting students work in pairs. Inattentive students should be paired with an active student to keep the former on their toes. It will also help them to concentrate (Kellam et al., 2008).
2 Being lively and calling students by name. Teachers should be energetic and try as much as possible to engage and interact with all students when teaching (Barbetta et al., 2005). That attracts the attention of students because it kills boredom. Knowing students by their name prevents them from getting into trouble.

Moving about the room

It involves moving around the classroom aimlessly without permission or congregating in certain areas of a class. They usually move around because they are bored, tired, desire to disturb others, and idleness (Kellam et al., 2008). Those students may disrupt the concentration of other students who are studying and can cause commotions.

1   Instituting punishments. Setting rules that students should not idle around the class, and failure to adhere is punishable(Grossman,2003).
2 Giving students sufficient homework.  That will make them busy and concentrate on their work rather than idling around the classroom(Grossman,2003).

Annoying others

It involves teasing and provoking other students, making noise, spreading rumors or gossips, ridiculing, and calling others names(Kellam et al., 2008). That behavior results from frustration, desire to revenge, and to seek attention. It may lead to fights if not stopped.

1 Remaining calm. Students are encouraged to remain calm when provoked to avoid fights and instead report the issues so that perpetrators are punished.
2 Understanding the reasons for annoying behaviors. Teachers should seek to understand why students annoy others because some causes of annoyance are not intentional but caused by traumatic events(Grossman,2003). After understanding the reasons, they should take action and set goals.

Sexual harassment

It involves making others uncomfortable using sexually explicit languages, touching inappropriately, spreading nasty sexual rumors, and sexual innuendos. It creates a hostile learning environment for the affected student, emotional distress, and can disengage from class or curriculum activities(Barbetta et al., 2005). It is caused by the desire to humiliate and harass others and sexual attraction.

1 Educate students. Students need education on the difference between flirting and harassment. Behavior expectations are then defined as well as consequences(Barbetta et al., 2005).
2 Prioritization of sexual harassment elimination.  Schools should make this behavior top priority and empower teachers to action against this vice. That will involve circulating messages and posters with teachings against sexual harassment. Incorporation of in-services in the school program and invitation of external speakers to sensitize students about it would help a lot(Kellam et al., 2008).

Stealing and cheating

Involves students take things that belong to others without permission. This behavior arises from the desire to get an item...
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